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>It's strange. It feels like we go way back With the hints that Sorawo has a link in some way to the Satsuki lady Toriko is looking for, I wouldn't be surprised if they do
This was a good series one of the better ones this season
I could just watch more and more of it happily Too bad I get the feeling it was probably just a one-off season Definitely something I want to consider picking up the source material for
Looks like volume one and two of the novels are out in English, with the next two coming as an omnibus in August But there's already six out in Japanese Man maybe if I can get my Kanji polished up enough, I could try reading the Japanese novels Though I suspect they'd probably be at least at late-teen-level reading comprehension And I'm probably at like a fifth-grader at best
oh and egg egg still has a lot of potential for failure we'll see
You should marathon both seasons of Fruits Basket before the next season starts So you can hop on and watch the final season of that with us Because that is going to be a riiiiiiiide
Seeing Rin be drowsy all episode was a pretty thorough reminder of how drowsy I am though, hah hah I didn't really get my evening nap today. Maybe I'll actually get some decent sleep tonight because of that.
>>927906 Since it is the end of the night and I know you'll be scampering off as soon as the show's over It might be nice if you can show up at a good time tomorrow We'll have Kirara around if we can do Higurashi first tomorrow night He wanted to stay up for it at for at least this week's episode.
And midnight is already long past his bedtime! So it would be mean to keep him waiting!
I wonder if we'll get another hint of the Satsuki lady being involved with these soldiers as well She seems to have been meddling with every aspect of the Otherside so far
Oof That got eerie fast
Looks like we'll get a finale next week We are getting close to the end of the season