she's trying to get him to doubt his actions and throw a wrench into things because it's not going her way, i think if not consciously then because she's emotional
this show is the surprise of the season for me when i read the premise i was expecting something kinda trashy i'm glad it's not
i just got some seriously bad vibes like what if this is a guy she's stayed with before
thanks for anime! don't worry, i'll definitely be here this sunday although i might be gone a lot in the future i'll probably be gone at least once or twice a week, come sumer summer i'll try to get a laptop with all the profits
Thanks for anime Rika Enjoy your weekend Drop by if you're not too busy!
>>942179 Well with any luck summer won't be so absolutely stuffed full of things to watch
i don't know, anime is getting really big i'm wondering if maybe there's just going to be a lot of good stuff in the future
I'm fairly certain this season is an extreme exception We're still seeing echoes of the way the pandemic messed up release schedules for shows Of course it's not like we'll go to like having less than twenty shows that Rika and I are putting up with, providing we personally are fine with watching that much. But I think after this season we'll be back to being able to comfortably fit what we want to watch in the time we have And since you have less tolerance for junky stuff than we do, you'll probably have a much lighter watch load.
Yup yup, thanks I hope you can get some more rest before the night is up Rika It's easy for sleep to start getting off-balance if you sleep too long in the evening
Also I think they might be in Okinawa At the least I don't think palm trees grow in mainland Japan And there's kind of a certain flatness to the setting that you don't really get in Japan
It's hard to use the MC as a reference for time period though Since she's so poor, you kind of expect her to be using stuff that's years out of date already.
I don't know where it's set It doesnt look hot enough to be Okinawa
Yeah that's true Maybe it's the southern island of the main archipelago of islands that make up most of Japan
I suppose with this episode we wrap up the first volume of the LN series That little monologue she ended the episode with kinda echoed what she said at the start of episode one. So it's a nice bookend, and it ends on a fairly conclusive "look how far I've come" moment.
Graduation ceremonies always get me feeling a bit nostalgic, or melancholic A bit less here since everyone graduating are bit characters and the main cast, and even secondary cast, are still all at school But still.
Hm, well I guess technically Kagura and the horse Souma are graduating But they weren't at the school the main cast are Their appearances are always extracurricular anyway.
I'm really happy to be getting more! I'm pretty sure in the between years since season one they put out some music by the unit But it's best when they can make more plot with the characters