I wonder if we'll see stuff like that one Higurash OVA where Rika, after surviving Hinamisawa, gets fucking TRUCK'd and ends up looping back into Hinamizawa. That was the one where she just got tired of trying and decked Satoko with a chair. She's definitely shown aspects of the cruelty Bernkastel embodies but just hasn't properly committed.
In the end I think Rika will get tp to win on her own trems cause I don't think they'll corrupt such a beloved character and riak making the fans mad
The problem is, it's already kind of inevitable, we just haven't seen the steps taken between the process. The Umineko VN and some stuff from the canon manga make it pretty clear Bernkastel is in someway, actually Rika. It's not clear on the particulars, or what happens to make her become that way, but they don't leave much in the way of saying "she's just a visual shout-out" or character expy.
That's not to say this anime will show how, I think leaving it ambiguous would kind of satisfy what you're saying, that they don't want to show Rika getting corrupted like that. But if they're seeding stuff like Featherine and other Umineko references, then they're treading pretty close to the line of removing that ambiguity.
Speaking of Slime isekai I wonder what happened to its season two. I think it was supposed to start last season but got delayed, but my assumption was that it would get moved to this season. Maybe it was supposed to start this season though before the delay.
>A second season of the anime series was slated to premiere in October 2020 but has been pushed to January 2021 due to COVID-19, and an anime adaptation of the second spin-off manga was slated premiere in January 2021, but has been delayed to April 2021 due to the same circumstances. I didn't know it had a spin-off manga also getting an adapation. But it looks like the first half of the next year will have a lot of Slime Isekai material.
in the promo materials for Elaina I saw characters I haven't even read about yet so I'm really curious on how much they're going to fly over. But since it's so episodic already they could go anywhere they want to really. But I hope we get good things.