saku was a brother to me i learned so much from him and he never judged me even though i was a piece of shit back then i wonder if he's proud of me
saku was very fun a lot of different things remind me of him in small ways, things i associate with him although i wasn't very close to him i remember him quite often i hope things are less shitty wherever you are, saku
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I think I could have interacted with him more but he was a cool dude.
Getting to know Saku helped give personality to a kind of people I hadn't really ever encountered before, and has done much more to humanize people struggling with addiction than most anything since then for me. Thanks man. We've got a lot to remember you by.
Well I've been a hikki shut-in pretty much as much my life could manage for almost a decade now. Eh, more like seven or eight years I guess. Not quite a decade. When the vast majority of your life for years on years has been contained within a room or a house, any notion of the outside world starts to feel a little bit intimidating. It's not so bad when I've got a strong motivator to get me out there, like enjoying friends' company or something like classes or a job which brings a feeling of satisfaction, or at least money. So yeah, it does predate these quarantimes but having all external motivators suddenly drop away like they did has been definitely kind of crippling.
Plus when I'm out there, what am I even supposed to do. This is less relevant now because there's literally nothing to do but even when there's activity and life going on. If I go outside without any real intention or purpose I just feel out of place and awkward. At least now I can't really loiter anywhere without breaking emergency by-laws so all I can really do is walk or run, which at least reduces the ambiguous feelings being outside makes me feel.
If only it would warm up I could go biking too. But I don't want to go around biking in 6-8C weather if I don't have to.
at least there is a decent amount of space to walk around in this house
Oh, the melatonin supplements I've been taking the past week or so are 10mg a tablet. I thought they were 5mg per.
I don't know what's more concerning, that I've been taking 20mg when I've been thinking its 10mg. Or that I haven't particularly found 20mg to be all that more effective.
Hey, people. I've been pondering a project. I'd like to collaborate on a language with some people. Unfortunately, most glossopoeists are inflexible in their tastes, so it is best to gain traction outside the hobby-sphere. Would any of you be interested?
37 replies omitted.Anno
Yeah I think most of those are predicates
Hmm, but I'm not really sure where to start, it seems like all the parts of a language are entertwined.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if everything's a predicate then the utility of the concept of predicates is kinda low
>>829261 True, all things everywhere are interconnected but not all connected in the same way.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gotta start somewhere and can't get it perfect on the first pass
Ah RIP it broken when she fell. I thought glasses cases were more sturdy than that.
All of my glasses cases have been made in such a way they wouldn't shatter.
Yeah that's what I kind of thought would be normal. My case hasn't really ever been in a position it would risk breaking but just from looking at the material it doesn't look like it would shatter. Seems kind of backwards to make a protective case that itself is kind of fragile.