toy story had a lot of combat like a SHIT LOAD every fight has at least 2 or 3 mech minibosses and like 5 waves of mooks and the whole world takes place inside of a single building, albeit scaled up because you're a toy
i didn't think it was bad but i can see people getting frustrated with it great place to level up though, and i really loved the Verum Rex aesthetic and the easter eggs throughout they even had an actual replica of a japanese Dissidia NT wall display in the game shop
My friends also had the game on Proud mode from the get-go and didn't change the difficulty once so I imagine those long fights against a lot of damage-sponge monsters would get really, really annoying after a while, yeah. Having to go through that for some of the final stage bosses and their bazillion forms was ridiculously frustrating, hah hah. By that point out of the four of us who were playing, one had left and another had gone to bed so it was me and the other just tossing the controller back and forth every now and then beating our heads against those bosses. Did finally win at like 06:00 on Thursday morning though. It was a lot of fun.
i'm hoping it gets a bit harder because on proud i've been breezing through a bit too easily i think i've died in combat like 3 times now, last time I died was in twilight town against the shadow pillar all of the formchanges and attractions and flowmotion attacks just do so much damn damage i swear KH2 proud was a lot more brutal
i did fail the minigames a bunch of times before finally getting the A/max rank on them though, especially that tangled dancing one i'm so bad at rhythm games my sister did it for me and got A rank on her second or third attempt after i kept getting B for an hour
This was also the first real Kingdom Hearts game I've played so my sense of difficulty is definitely skewed by that a bit. There's so much about that game that you're kind of inferred on from previous games. Plus because I missed maybe like eight or ten hours of gameplay I didn't catch if there were tutorial or introductory segments for some of the combat mechanics like shotlock or the finesse of parrying and countering. Which would have been a LOT nicer to know how to use effectively towards the end of the game, geez.
>>638382 yeah, they really take something like 10 hours before they finally finish introducing combat basics and you get brief tutorials on new abilities from leveling up and completing bosses/other encounters as they become available it's all there in the tutorials but i can't really blame someone for not sifting through jiminy's mother fucking journal for 2 hours to figure out what all the controls are as you said most of it is inferred if you've played all the other games but otherwise you've just got to read the page or two of tutorial every time you unlock something new for the first several worlds shotlock is something they give you a tutorial for in olympus, blocking is upgraded into reprisal either in toy story or the tangled world, depending on where you're at when you level up enough to get the first counter abilitiy other things like the launcher attack that can turn a ground combo into aerial combo, are just doled out whenever you level up enough as well