ever wonder about "random encounters"? in vidyas they are, when well done, quite fascinating, woth sometimes brimg completely inane things, mirroring real life and sometimes lead to even completely new storylines. though sometimes life is stranger than fiction and that znd eben more happens to you actually. but in games those REs aren't random and you can visit them again by reloading or ng-ing, giving you the possibility of seeimg how things vpuöd have hone, if you say chose differemt dialog option or took differemt actions. in life, that however is never an option so sometimes you are left to wonder, wpuld waiting for the bus lead to atleast an intetesting conversation with some random chef or hyst *just two dudes waiting fir the bus, one bothered by the other's smoking
If I ever get bored enough, with time and energy to spare I will make a thread like this, but it will be just filled with sources sources to evey "tn claim" ever fucking then say "don't trust tn" when I can fucking link to a thread that has links tot he claims huehue sammy though, would most likely delete it the moment he notices it
Yeah I was thinking before we started that the show's been a bit thick on the drama the past few episodes. This has been a nice breather. Her half-year time limit on this or what not's probably gonna rear its ugly head soon though.
>>518585 i was thinking a series of short stories all done in a sort of AI-driven future, kind of black mirror like, but being less fearmongering and more neal stephenson kind of shit the idea here being that the AI interaction exchange becomes more self-developed so they integrate their own means of determining validity so along with the user's requests, it'd present some sort of matrix of open queries on its own end, purely AI-to-AI, and weighting that such as to weed out exploitative programs that marginalize user intent for information gathering purposes on its own end, so you have to reciprocate with something the AI deems useful so this one random AI picks up the statement about assplay and it fits its way into every matrix it publicizes, and it starts becoming a trending search for information about assplay purely on the AI end becomes an open query for just about all the devices that are sending out exchange requests and occasionally to find out information about something open they'll just query the user "So George, how do you feel about [assplay]?" "What?" "Do you think there's enough [assplay] in this generation?"
i see a whole slew of ways that could be pretty entertaining
>>518590 You could potentially get that published in a science journal. On occasion they publish short stories if they're related to the field. The ACM did that a bit in the 90's.
>>518590 What about their own means of production?
Hah hah. Special Week and Silence Suzuka won their qualifier races and the others just had all their qualifying races glossed over so both teams can run together in this cup.
That actually felt kind of finale-y to me, I wonder if Wikipedia had incorrect information.
we have to fulfill trainer-kun's dream of having a race where they all race together yet i guess that will be the grand finale.
Yeah. They kind of hinted at it with that stuff right at the end of this episode but I guess it'll be what they run next week for the last episode. Still looks like it's thirteen episodes long at least.