how to assure my artworks gain some 6 digit sales/traffic online? what are the qualities i have to maintain so on so forth
8 replies omitted.Anno
>>1094896 i drew the art above in 5 mins i bet i can do your lineart in as little. hell. i think i ve done yours. but your idea is probably not even 10 views.
>>1094832 i think you should refrain commenting anymore. i cannot see any use of your copout quotes being any use in any SEO textbook. it s probably just the 0.01% of it. but in practice youhave nothing useful to coordinate from
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh mann
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
\o/ boosting for the seo gods
>>1095006 >>1095010 accpted but. what do. there are protocols. and i cant seem to hit enough increments. any clue?
me: *hacks off the hand of some poor guy seemingly on a whim* shadowheart, mere moments later: I trust you, dark urge, but not lae'zel who, to me, is the same thing except has NOT done anything horrifying like that
Does Shadowheart just think that's the kinda stuff githyanki do?
yeah, it's incredible how spammable it is too One thing I'm finding a bit bothersome in baldur gate though is how I'm not at liberty to select the most appropriate person for a task Like I'll get a strength roll option with my freshly minted barbarian standing behind me like, just watching, as my puny muscles are clearly not up for the task
>>1093267 this the first one is okay the second one though, i could do without
can we go back to beinga place where autistic freaks blog about their life like me i totaled my car in a minor fender bender recently but it's okay because my insurance is good so now i have a new vw suv