>>727345 i'm doing the bernedetta/petra paralogue and I am livid.
>you can either get to this location... or you can rout the enemy >might as well get all the exp I can so let's rout the enemy >2 units left Hubert out of nowhere with another 15 units from the corners >change of plans: You HAVE to rout the enemy >oh, and protect that one location you could have won at
It was pretty fun. I heard that the Golden Wind manga was a bit hard for English readers to follow because it was originally DWANG scanlations and a bit messy. But the anime added some little stuff to tie some things that were more disparate in the manga together.
I liked the main gang in this one a fair bit. Giorno was more of a secondary protagonist to Bruno but the cameraderie in the gang was nice. Plus the Italian setting was neat. Fun to see more of the world again after all the time spent in Morioh in Diamond Is Not Crash.
I kind of expected Giorno being DIO's son to be more relevant but nothing really came of that,
>>724868 Gotta be honest, it was just hard to follow in manga form. Duwang added an additional layer of impenetrability but the paneling and format of a lot of the fights, particularly involving King Crimson, made it extremely challenging to understand visually.
The anime did a really great job in that aspect, it dispelled any notion of incomprehensibility that the manga's representation during King Crimson's activation spawned.
I'd probably put it above part 3 and 1 anime-wise, but it's still second to last in terms of how it ranks up to the other parts for the manga.
>>725293 You have to pay council tax in you live in a property It goes into the funding for the local county council to pay for NHS, road repair, schools, police and aocial care. I
>>725293 Why does this girl looks like she's going to start exterminate heretics 20 minutes in of netflix and chill