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This is a nice lady though. I'm not sure what the norm was for remarrying during this time period but Leo would do good having someone like her to look after him.
I think remarrying has always been kinda okay as long as you had a good reason for it like being widowed
Yeah, not much you can do about a husband dead to the plague.
As expected that brown-haired girl was pretty cute. I feel she was kinda dropped on us out of the blue though. Maybe they've been cutting some of the manga, but I guess the show's kinda moved at a pretty fast chronological pace anyway.
...I wonder if the market is open today. it probably is >The markets are closed in observance of Memorial Day YES PERFECRT I DON'T HAVE TO GIVE A SHIT TODAY
oh i forgot commup out da wahta like i got a day off straight up out da water covid makin me coff
i wonder what that boy up to in 2020 bet havin a blast with all the material to work with this year
Yeah, the double tsundere has been less tsun a lot less tsun lately
I wonder if they could get all the way to the cultural festival in this season. I would expect them to conclude a bit earlier in the year unless they really want to cram things in. Plus there's a pretty cathartic wrap-up point earlier anyway. Then they can get season three greenlit so they can get to the culture festivaaaallll
Have they managed to start her on chemo yet? I remember the virus concerns had them stalling on it.
>>840763 yeah i found it pretty boring to start out myself i couldn't really recommend continuing it after the first episode, wanted to switch to something more interesting
im thinking granblem might actually be good for the occasion
>>840781 she's on a chemotherapeutic agent, but she's not on "chemo" yet it's not chemo chemo, but it is some chemotherapy to bridge the gap until the mainline chemo can start she's having a pretty rough time with it and so am i, to a lesser extent