Not synched.
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97 replies omitted.
You're being cruel to bang.
Search [iqdb] (444 KB, 1279x718)
not really I'm just going to watch it on my own it'll be fine
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Only a little. There's a chance Tilde will be a no show tomorrow too.
everything's gonna be daijokay
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wait wrong thread shit
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new thread
1053 replies omitted.
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>>82200 i usually hate the way this girl sounds but for some reason it's really endearing when she's saying she's getting head and calling people nigga
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There's definitely gonna be some Easter thing I hope I don't have to participate in anything dumb I'll go home, I'll do it
Search [iqdb] (35 KB, 601x450)
Oh no there's dumb stuff I don't wanna look for candy or do a trivia question thing I would rather continue working
Search [iqdb] (232 KB, 600x623)
Hiya Moe.
Oops, wrong thread.
Search [iqdb] (487 KB, 944x720)
あれ😃 end my life fucking phone keyboard
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I don't want to do today
do tomorrow
sounds like a plan
Search [iqdb] (264 KB, 1024x1594)
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The purple girl is cute.
>>80551 Good characters in ugly clothing. Such a misfortune.
we'll get used to it
I don't want to get used to it.
thanks fora nime time for p5
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A thread for mangos that will never get an anime
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happy birthday kitty
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i stayed up all night playing P5 my alarm rang at 4:30 and i realized i hadn't even been asleep yet i've been up for like 28 hours now wwwww
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/05 (水) 21:44 No. 80784
>>80783 >>80783 >>80783
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111 replies omitted.
woah what
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 581x663)
that was a pretty good episode this ed song is really good too
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might be like my top 2 episodes so far
Search [iqdb] (119 KB, 1280x720)
Yeah, that was probably the best episode yet. thanks for anime!
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i really love this series it's not as good as the OVAs but it's pretty close thanks for anime let's forget about the frame arms thing though
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Welcome to A Bad Day im your host Koi Lets start the show
778 replies omitted.
2017/04/04 (火) 19:11 No. 80053
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It is actually bit realistic portrayal of people I think. Since some people instead of gawking or panicking go into that kind of mindset when facing weird stuff
2017/04/04 (火) 19:16 No. 80054
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Hmm still few months untill S3 of R&M actually starts airing
2017/04/04 (火) 20:02 No. 80057
>>80056 >>80056 >>80056
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hi moe
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118 replies omitted.
Hour after hour work is never over Such is life.
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So far it seems like people are better with real NEET hours than otherwise.
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im no real neet anymore but im still teh fukc up!!!?!
Night owl life best life.
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American anime is best anime.
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I am considering changing the anime times so that we can include more anime friends. Many of you have become normies unable to deal with real NEET hours lately and lack the napping powers that I have. Please indicate here what times would be better for you. I am considering pushing the start time up to around 9 EST or something if that will mean that we can include more anime friends. If you are a current anime friend and have times that would not be good times for you, please let me know that too.
3 replies omitted.
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i dont know if we gain anyone kirara sleeps then
My anime availability is really only dictated n my work schedule so changing the time wouldn't change anything for me
sounds to me like we're probably best off keeping it right were it is which is right around 1am my time about an hour and 15 minutes ago
maybe we can move it an hour before or something 2 max
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happy birthday haruka
751 replies omitted.
>>79136 Not causal... Just statistical
also popular political twitter account @milkpiefridays retweets an SK tweet details at 17:00 news
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>if you open a video in a new window in chrome, it doesn't play it before you swap to the tab Why isn't this a thing in Firefox
Aws loft closed for the ENTIRE MONTH for renovations... I thought it was reopening today. fuck this is awful where will I make an operational base now... I dont want to go to the library all month.
>>79141 >>79141