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But it's not summer
Holy shit I finally
in time for /horo/ (slight disconnection there)
>>248005 I always forget when /horo/ is open It's in my blind spot
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this is how i awooooooo
779 replies omitted.
i newd to watch that
>>245832 hit me cunt i'll probably just grab your hand and ask you why you hit me
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>>245837 one blow and your own mother wouldn't recognize the body
>>245839 that's not true i've done blow lots of times and my mom still recognizes me
>>245858 >>245858 >>245858
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Well she's a Japanese girl so it's unlikely that she knew a dictator who killed his childhood friend. It has to be a metaphor for something.
thanks for anime !
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Yeah, thanks for anime. I was going to have everyone watch Jikan while Tilde caught up on Made in Abyss, but everyone died. We'll still do Made in Abyss tomorrow so make sure to catch up!
I will. Dunno why HorribleSubs only ripped the 480p of Hell Girl. That was a thoroughly weird episode of 18if though. It was really beautifully animated though.
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I'm sure HS will have 720 Jigoku Shoujo subs up tomorrow. It's a shame they weren't ready tonight. And yes that was a weird episode. I don't really get the symbolism.
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A worthwhile thread
1235 replies omitted.
last time i stuck potatoes in a Stu i got charged with sexual battery
I've heard of poatoes being good for some batteries but never sexual ones.
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/08/19 (土) 13:35 No. 244821
Spuds in the butt. Sounds terrible!
>>244821 only one way to find out
>>244823 >>244823 >>244823 okay rin etc here's a new thread thank you for your patience
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