Not synched.
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152 replies omitted.
i want to live in a cozy room of books like that i love information
Yeah, I think I'd opt for something a little more compact since I like being in kinda tight spaces. But a room just full up of books sounds really romantic to me.
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thanks for anime! had some good shows tonight
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yeah, have a good weekend yuu thanks for the anime
Looks like there's another golem and its little girl next week.>>808886 Yeah, thanks. Hope your weekend is nice.
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That last thread survived three days. Wow!
781 replies omitted.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/02/23 (日) 13:44 No. 809632
just had a cross parent disassemble a car seat violently a foot away from my head
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/02/23 (日) 13:49 No. 809633
hoo boy this is gon be a doozy see you in 6.5h
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slep tight sweet prints
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/02/23 (日) 14:16 No. 809635
oh hey in flight wifi meat's back on the menu boys
>>809636 >>809636 >>809636
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147 replies omitted.
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yeah i enjoy it. it's good and it has a lot of cute images to snag too i wonder what'll happen i think the ghost will get stronger from the new hype that's about to be generated
It also means their previous plan of supplanting the urban legend with a more interesting truth is kinda out the window now. Physical ramifications to the urban legend lets it dig its hooks into reality all the more deeper.
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next ep will be interesting thanks for anime
Yup yup, thanks. We made good time tonight.
thanks for anime see you!
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 1280x720)
anime sorry for late
132 replies omitted.
Here I was hoping they might cut the ED to get that last card in. Instead they're just pure EVIL. Total villainy. aasdasfdsfs
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I really thought they were going to go for it too and show us the result It's somewhat unlike Chihayafuru to leave us hanging liek this.
This is a weekend show too so we won't even have a chance of it until next Sunday hah hah Damn it all
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yup thanks for anime!
Mhm, thanks. Good night
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135 replies omitted.
>>>/watch?v=lAIGb1lfpBw thanks for anime and everything
Hah hah I was just looking at that again the other week.
Oh looks like cute witches next week.
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Good arc Thanks for anime
Yup yup, thanks. See you tomorrow.
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hoshi star
840 replies omitted.
like tears in Lorraine
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/02/20 (木) 09:16 No. 808548
nintendo be a harsh mistress
nintendo I hate you so gdamn much but the pussy game ridic
>>808548 yeah they ruined all of my favourite emulator sites
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2020/02/20 (木) 11:44 No. 808552
>>808551 >>808551 >>808551
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98 replies omitted.
Kirara'll probably enjoy that episode a good bit.
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Good music drama episode reminds me of the first season thanks for anime!
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Night night
yeah i think the season is shaping up well enough im enjoying it gnight yall
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kuzuhoshi kirameku yume no hoshi sa I wanna be ikou ze ikou ze ikou ze ikou ze
785 replies omitted.
Do you know if anywhere else nearby is hiring?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2020/02/15 (土) 03:02 No. 806425
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Way back in a different age when I used to shitpost on /a/ Doki had a reputation for terrible subs Is that still the case?
I think they're fine quality.
FormerRei@mobile 2020/02/15 (土) 03:11 No. 806427
>>806425 They're good enough. I also dislike tthe grouo though. I can't remember why I do, but I'm sure its a good reason. Also they're the new fansub cartel. And also manga cartel. Since they run new nyaa and mangadex.
>>806428 >>806428
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abune anime too
128 replies omitted.
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mmos these days are bad thanks for anime
Mhm, thanks. See you two tomorrow.
Or well maybe not I guess it might be a toss-up day.
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thanks, see you i'll probably be here but maybe not we'll see
Wait no I'm being tired-dumb. Clocks don't work that way.