Not synched.
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a new thread for a new tomorrow
903 replies omitted.
Yeah don't trust Breitbart on Sweden, for example They've outright lied before
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>>143956 >>143956 >>143956
FormerRei@mobile 2017/05/28 (日) 22:32 No. 143959
>>143954 I only kkababout it fr me I only kknow about iit ffrom memes, 4chan, you and my not quite tinfoil hat ffriend.
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It's not even just immigration and stuff, they've just lost all sense Could write a whole book on how Sweden has fallen, but I'm gonna leave it here for now
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/28 (日) 22:55 No. 143999
yeah go write a book somewhere that isn't this site
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70 replies omitted.
shes cute as a kid
She was patient zero!
Domo arigatou Mata raishuu~
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thanks for anime
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This thread isn't... Yet.
929 replies omitted.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/27 (土) 23:04 No. 142690
oh they just deleted it it must have been a typo then
yeah it'd probably be bigger news if it was nuclear
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/27 (土) 23:05 No. 142692
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/27 (土) 23:06 No. 142694
>>142693 >>142693 >>142693
>>142692 That is an impressively confusion-inducing typo.
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154 replies omitted.
Can't be helped we're in the middle of an LN volume. All the resolutions gotta come in the second half!
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I was satisfied with the character development. Looks like Rinri-kun is finally wising up
Yeah, considering the snail's pace Mr.Ethical's character normally grows at, this is a breakneck pace of development in comparison.
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I don't think it was coincidental the screen flashed at that point where it said "the protagonist changes too"
The visual direction for this show is pretty good. They manage some decent subtleties for an LN adaptation and there's a fairly high level of quality involved.
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let the bodies hit the store
912 replies omitted.
You can buy a thing of mince for like 6 dollars and that's dinner for two nights in a row
>>141672 $1 a piece*
>>141674 >>141674 >>141674
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>>141671 Who are you going to trust, some documentary or someone who lives here!
2017/05/26 (金) 23:42 No. 141678
depends on who made the document etc but most of the time the documentary, as they have a lot wider perspective and view on things and research shit and also usually, too live n the place.
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hello friends does anyone want to watch Koe no Katachi this weekend it's called A Silent Voice in english the one about the mute girl Iplease respond
375 replies omitted.
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haha I was just thinking about that
>>143508 It was a pretty great music choice
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It's a pretty common choice for movies. Just not the one I expected for an anime one.
It's a common choice because it's a good one
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75 replies omitted.
The old man is like the Taro of this series.
There's not as much of Crazy Guy's English in these PVs anymore. It lessens the fun of them.
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machiavellianism is surprisingly the best thing on this night of the week I think thanks for anime!
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746 replies omitted.
>>>/watch?v=PX2DJIkOQv0 are you home this time rook what's a nigga up to
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yeah I'm home right now I'm about to go get this pizza and head to a friend's place though gonna play a bunch of video games with some losers
that sounds like fun man have a good thing
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/25 (木) 23:40 No. 140584
>>140583 >>140583 >>140583
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>>140582 it should be fun maybe time to go though, thanks for the music
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657 replies omitted.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/25 (木) 06:32 No. 139750
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why do i like this dance so much
Her boots are some kind of future Crocs.
anime >>139753
move to blue thread
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/25 (木) 07:03 No. 139767
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White cat is having a tough day.
white cat is use less
Rumia seems to end up in this position a lot.
rumia captured shironeko useless sensei super hurt
It's a piinchi