Not synched.Search [iqdb](414 KB, 990x1523)Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chanExpand
Been back in Australia four days and I'm already missing Japan. Bang if you're actually serious about a December meetup I'm down. I have exhausted most of my annual leave but should still be able to get some time off around Christmas - New Years. Hit me up via email or Discord or telegram or something if you want to talk details.
welcome back!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mite b cool
absolute territory enjoyer
word, yeah i just have to figure out PTO with my job i'll hit you up when i'm planning it in detail
absolute territory enjoyer
i'll have more info by the end of next week i'm still in training but from the company policy it looks like i won't have a problem taking a 2-3 week vacation in the winter, i'm just figuring out if i'm gonna be able to get the holiday week or if i might have to wait until january (or bump it up to early december)
idk pretty good for a teenager my guess is like 2000 elo anyway why is anno posting her ttv emote here its so random lmao
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh hey shes live 1400 rapid dang nevermind she's not exactly a GM
Search [iqdb](3.8 MB, 4032x3024)Marsh shitposting on the go via TelephoneExpand
Fuji highlights
1 reply omitted.Marsh shitposting on the go via TelephoneSearch [iqdb](4.0 MB, 4032x3024)Marsh shitposting on the go via TelephoneSearch [iqdb](5.7 MB, 4032x3024)absolute territory enjoyer
damn these are sick as fuck
this rocks somehow >>1125201 a village? do people live there like in Nepal-Bhutan mountains?