415 steps of stairs is actually quite a bit to jog up Even just walking them will probably tire someone who's out of shape out
Another one of those "When does this series even take place" moments Who rents DVDs anymore after all
Yeah wow Nishikata Don't just spoil the whole movie like that
Lots of lovey dovey teasing this ep
Yeah And a bit of a humanizing moment from Takagi there She obviously wanted to ask him out on a date or something But even she gets too shy some times
The fact that it's all unit activities means though that they're not falling in to the Love Live trap of eating up an entire season with single character episodes
yeah they're doing a pretty good job with it reminds me a bit of idolmaster
Almost time for the weekend I thought this was going to be an easy week but then today decided on multiple fronts to be absolutely exhausting I need a break
starter weapons can carry you through a whole souls game hell in ds1 you can get a zweihander in 30 seconds after beating the tutorial and that thing will walk you through ng+ easy
guess I'll look into upgrading it though I blew a lot of those golden runes just to get levels so it'll probably take a while
I think it's fairly cheap for the first few upgrades do you have smithing stones?
I think I found a few I haven't interfaced with them at all, so they should still be there
That said even a simple chord progression like this, while singing, is actually really hard She's underselling herself if she can already do this much
sometimes it's hard to tell how amateur people are in anime since they're voiced by talented voice actors
Yeah, but it's more the matter of the double action The two-track focus you need to do chord progression and sing, even if you're singing off-tune, is a pretty hard skill to learn
well that was pretty comfy thanks for anime
Yeah I like this show a fair bit Thanks for anime Rika Have a nice night!