>>927831 oh was i looking at the wrong season damn
>>927834 That's probably why you weren't seeing a whole lot of stuff out too https://www.livechart.me/spring-2021/tv This is where I go to check upcoming seasonal stuff
Her berserker side sure has become unleashed This is why it's important to keep all your personality in check!
Well she's probably the better part to lead in a war.
This Hyde-side of the princess is Yeah hah hah My thoughts exactly.
Oh now there's clowns I don't like clowns
Oh but this This is even worse
The princess is just groping herself the whole time making this speech I get she's supposed to be a bit psycho in this Hyde mode, but that's just plain weird.
It's kind of better than her being strong, at least in this series Since so far Arrow is the only one who's able to beat people in their robots without killing them in the process
Oh that's good That probably solves the problem of others fighting without killing them Though it's kinda funny that the other three guys are also balled up into that sword
It's a cool sword too
Ah I kinda wanted to see what kind of monstrous robot the Hyde princess would've made
Pretty ballsy of her to put herself on the same level as a kingdom's princess There's a considerable difference between being a hicktown chief and a royal princess!
Aksing -Asking middle school students what they want to do with their life, like as a serious consideration, is a bit much I think even expecting a high school student to confidently know what they'll want to devote the next four or five decades of their life to is unreasonable.
I wonder why Kaworu ever bothered with the cane though She clearly doesn't need it
Never trust an actor Especially an actor robot
Kinda funny that the girls are just putting on a play while things are going absolutely crazy outside
I wonder how recruiting the Neighbour would work for their team though I thought the teams, especially in the intra-organization battles, operate in sets of three
>>927885 I would assume that would hurt a lot Maybe they could file them down but there'd still be the stubs Cutting them close enough to the head to hide them would probably be pretty painful.
I'm with the girl here though The alien guy seems both inflexible and still dangerously loyal to his original allegiances
Last episode of this was kind of a let down But we'll probably get the big double-episode finale
After all that work they went to getting that thing and they bascially let it run out of power
A rare occurence where the truck AI couldn't respond back with "you never asked about it" Since it seems it was deliberately helping keep their squad isolated from the things going on elsewhere
Even 'till the end, the MC didn't end up being much more than the squad cook She still isn't very good at being an armor girl
What's always surprised me is the MC's friend has pretty much been absent ever since she got dropped into this world I got the gist she was going to get dragged into this too, but maybe it was only ever the MC
They say they've all been working hard but all that hard work has pretty much been montage'd or done off screen We pretty much only ever see the girls when they're taking it easy anyway
this was a good comfy taking it easy episode to end the night with
Yeah, plus it's all sunny and summer-y out there too Does a lot for making me want summer to be here fast
They talk somewhat freely about her surgery scar but they also make a point of not showing it. It's always obscured or off screen.
Haruko really seems to have moved a lot of her personal items into the dorm when she moved in
I'd like to try a proper charcoal grill some time I've only ever used propane grills.
It is too bad she's dead They had ... and well have, some good good chemistry
>>927906 Since it is the end of the night and I know you'll be scampering off as soon as the show's over It might be nice if you can show up at a good time tomorrow We'll have Kirara around if we can do Higurashi first tomorrow night He wanted to stay up for it at for at least this week's episode.
And midnight is already long past his bedtime! So it would be mean to keep him waiting!