Not synched.
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930 replies omitted.
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/17 (土) 17:40 No. 167790
Kay. any file host you prefer? I forgot the pomf one or whatever it was
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>went to lie down for a short bit >3 hours later Damn, I wended up napping way longer than I intended
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/17 (土) 17:43 No. 167792
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Eh I can't be arsed to fine a file host here is a link I found on!lN5iXAgT!giP-FCWM_iMtvTmCyLBcCUNiq1BRBtgi8zwZ9aqUYlg Touhou Revival Mix.
>>167785 turansukurraiba desu
new thread! >>167794
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See this man? He's a peice of SHIT
81 replies omitted.
>>166419 Why can't I ask which family? Did your grandpa knowed Jim Hoffa?? I must brb for a moment
>>166420 I just don't know off the top of my head is all. Maybe Luchese. who cares. I don't think any of them are even a thing in 2017
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>>166421 The mafia is so irrelevant now, it's hard to imagine there was a time that it was a thing to follow in the news like a serial... Apparently the deal more with homeless, credit card fraud, internet betting etc.... God I wish I was your grandpa
>>166423 Idunno I hate mafia tbh They're just as much of a leech on labor as management. Maybe even more. All my family got out of it was some stupid Atari systems and televisions or whatever. It's not like we were made men
>>166425 leech -> good adventures -> good friends -> good free electronics for gaymers -> good ungrateful much???
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「what the fuck does bronnen mean」 Anno 2017/06/16 (金) 13:59 No. 166255 Expand
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>he doesn't know what bronnen means
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>>166258 maccas
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i want to fuck and anime
let me cum
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「」 Anno 2017/06/16 (金) 12:38 No. 166150 Expand
This is actually neat software you have here.
cum b relax
wtf cool board
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69 replies omitted.
great episode
It's about the size they usually are. There was just one of them.
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thanks for anime nothing really amazing tonight though
Well maybe if you didn't sleep in there would have been time for something really amazing! Not that I figure anything we had for tonight was particularly high potential.
tsuki ga kirei was teh best today
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862 replies omitted.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/06/16 (金) 22:52 No. 166755
if we wanna stay here, can we see the waves? they're spilling over us, filling our insides maybe the water's high but i can see the difference
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/16 (金) 22:52 No. 166756
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kyaa the waves are filling my insides
new thread >>166757
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/16 (金) 22:53 No. 166759
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>>166759 nice image
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49 replies omitted.
Oh it's guild not guilt.
sandal is probably the best
What's probable about it.
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thanks for anime! i want to see next week's machiavellianism
thanks good luck with the stomach
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983 replies omitted.
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my stomach becomes more pain when I sit up why is this happening to me
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Oh man, I almost lost this at the very end. Gronnblade+ for the win with literal exact damage necessary.
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I have dramatically lowered my necessary daily average to make it to 50k. I went up by 11k today alone.
new thread >>165714
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