more warhammer dorfs never forgive a grudge and the high king has the official book of grudges that lists every single grudge they have amassed
>>929113 Yeah I learned about that from my friend. His rpg character carries around a book of grudges. His character is also basically dwarven Sasuke.
for exampke the great war of elves and warves for dwarves was "the war of beards" and for tgem it was a grydge about the phoenix king cutting off the beards of t'ambassadors and onve they beheaded the king anf'd took the phienix crown as weregild, for their part, the war was over
and fun fact, the whole conflict was instigatrd by malekith the dark elf king by rauding dorfs, and laying the blame on the donut elves ofc, during this time, the high elves had not told anyone about their civil war and splinter faction
>>929112 and of the top of my head I can't say there havn't been human-dorf relationships, but largely doubt the dwarves make art out of being conservatives and their word for "shit" is umgag? or something like that, which means "human-made"
>>929112 one final tidbit about the davi they are resistant to outright immune to magic, but not because of some stubborness or hardiness but just because "we believe we are immune to magic" cause that is how magic works in warhammer universe and as other species' spellcasters notice their spells not affecting them, they start to believe this too so now all denizens think "dwarves eat spells for breakfast" and this became a fact
The game store didn't get any stock of the plain release of the game I wanted today, only the collector's edition Like it wasn't even a sold out situation, they just didn't get any copies Also their entire stock of the new MonHun game is already on pre-order and they don't have any more available, hah hah Guess I'll see if I can get day of delivery from Amazon
Also it is fucking impossible to get my phone plan changed Myp provider doesn't let me do it online, they recently disallowed the physical stores from changing plans So I've got to call their support apparently, who I wholly expect will have their own dumb reason for why they can't change my plan either I just want to get more data damn it
What other games on the switch are fun, actually? I only really bought the thing to play smash
Depends on your taste in games There's a wide genre available
If you're open to 3D platformers though, Mario Odyssey is ab absolutely fantastic game
I'm not really sure what I'm looking for, really I had fun with slime rancher and botw recently, though
Might take a look at mario, but usually I'm not a big platformer player
If you like the cautious action style of Dark Souls, Monster Hunter is a long-standing series which the combat of Dark Souls took thorough inspiration from Plus the gameplay loop of hunting monsters for parts to make gear to hunt bigger monsters is pretty addictive
Though I dunno if the combat is anything like Dark Souls, it was mostly button mashing in my experience Definitely a game I'm gonna take a look at though
It's also about recognizing attack patterns and the motions of the creature that hint its attacks
Oh it even has a free demo
The game comes out on Friday worldwide, though it might be Saturday your time, not 100% sure
If you played any of the earlier Pikmin games, Pikmin 3 has been ported to the Switch with remastered graphics and some extra content.
Mario Odyssey was a great game, I also recommend it.
Really, most games I just feel like a controller makes a lot worse Not a lot of games where it's at all an improvement
Driving games overall are a notable exception
They have a voice acting option for the MonHun language? Incredible dedication to the bit
Well in all the games before World, there only was the MonHun gibber language It was only in that game they added actual language dubs So it's more a legacy thing, but still really nice I only use the MonHun language option hah hah
I guess in hindsight I probably should've gotten my Switch charging before I left for work this morning It's always kind of a long time reviving when the battery's been dead for a solid while
I gave the demo a try, and assuming I can figure out the actual mechanics of fighting, I think I could have a lot of funs with monhun I gotta assume there's more to it than what I'm accessing atm
I only ever really used the insect staff when I played world, so I haven't interfaced much with anything else, and the staff seems to be a bit less ez mode in this one In world I just flew around during battle, barely ever touched the ground
The Insect Glaive is a highly technical weapon, yeah You need to know what you're doing with it
It's probably gonna be what I end up using the most, in any case Zooming around the big monster is just so much more fun than going up to it with a sword and board or something
I couldn't find all 3 spots on the tutorial monster I fought though, I assume it's like the belly or something
Charge Blade is my main squeeze I really like the feel of building up and unleashing its full combo Honestly despite it having a shield I almost never actually remember to block
Oh damn Rise is out of stock on Amazon too I wonder if this is another Animal Crossing situation where the vendors -severely- underestimated how populat the game was going to be and there's gonna be shortages for a while
I don't really want to have to download the game damn it Mostly because I don't really have access to good download speeds right now.
splatoon 2 is such a jam i wish i were better at it and also that it ran on the PC at 165hz
Yeah Splatoon is great, but I was sticking with game recs that don't need the Online subscription Man I am really excited for Splatoon 3 though Can't wait to get back in the ink
I overstimulated myself and lost last night's sleep and I it's too late to sleep now. At least my shift was cancelled for this afternoon, I don't do too well on no sleep as it is.
>>929169 Oh no I really feel ya on that I stay up late and fuck up my sleep schedule all tge the time.
i think one of my favorite moments in runescape was this one time fishing near barbarian village and i hit like 45 fishing or something around there probably and there was like 15 people nearby who all said gz and then another guy hit the same level and then everyone said GZ in caps was funny
>>929241 That's one nice thing about the f2p worlds They're full of life
i always loved watching beggars in varrock sometimes leading them on or even donating it's hard for me to get in their heads i can't imagine being a varrock beggar
>>929278 The weirdest part about it is that you could make much more money doing so many other things. maybe just a lack of game knowledge combined with a lack of self-awareness
>>929238 no, that's just what happens when you're deep into your thoughts after laying down for some time
disk space require 6mb >>929345' the game or the game for steam
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
this is my toughest challenge yet... its been quite the adventure getting here.... RUNESC APE OLD SCHOOL from humble beginnings to slaying three headed dragons.... ive mastered many skils... succeeded in many quests.... and farmed the same boss 10000 times.... and its all lead to this moment... dying in pvp jungle
ok ill play an actually good game ryza 2 :)
whoakunSearch [iqdb](197 KB, 1200x675, cat.jpg)Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I'm sorry, little spider I take no pleasure in killing you But you were too close to my bed.
It does, but I feel like the final sentence could have been dropping the Topanga to keep the excitement up a little bit Like "It's fucking TOPANGA, y'all" followed by "and also her husband, the sports podcast guest, I guess"
The story involving Topanga's actress is eternities more incredible than the sports podcast guy
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Hmm, maybe "A man named Karp who used to be a guest on Pistol Shrimp Podcast who married a woman named Fishel[...] found shrimp tails in a box of [...] "
A man named Karp, married to a woman named Fishel found shrimp tails in a box of cereal, purchased at a costco on Topanga Canyon Blvd. Karp used to be a guest on Pistol Shrimp Podcast, and Fishel played Topanga in BMW
Hm, I guess it's not an easy blurb to write out in any way that justifies itself Maybe the \\\ Maybe if you OPEN with where they bought the cereal, and then reveal they found shrimp tails in it
>>929351 I didn't know they had little spiders in Australia. Also Ohayo!
I could swear in MonHun world you'd gather 3 extracts with the glaive, and then you could activate like, a super mode where you were just absurdly powerful But I can't seem to figure out how to do it in Rise
>>929362 there are 3 in Rise too, red white and orange well there's green too but that just gives a small heal generally the way it works is you get orange from the main body(belly or back), you get red from what the monster uses to attack(usually the head or claws) and white from what it uses to move(wings and legs) that can differ for some monsters, like back in Generatioins there were a few that gave white from the tail >>929366 once you have all three, big boi mode activates automaticallly >>929365 yo
>>929364 Well yeah, but once I have all 3 I dunno how to activate the Big Boi mode OH, I see I was expecting a visual effect or indicator of some sort, I guess
I think the extracts flash or blink a little in the UI, might be wrong since I only tried IG once in the demo
That's possible, yeah Though, they kinda blink when they're closing in on running out anyway, so I guess I didn't really notice it
It's honestly kinda weird for the demo not to have tutorials for the weapons themselves
monhun is notorious for being unecessarily obtuse with mechanics it's been getting better with each game but there's still some stuff that just doesn't get explained unfortunately you could always watch a gaijin hunter or arekkz video I guess
World had weapon tutorials though I expect them to be in the actual game, I just thought they'd be in the demo too
I dunno if I'm gonna buy it at release or not though, I'm probably gonna give it a few days, watch some gameplay and stuff before I do I gotta finish BOTW anyway, I don't really need two concurrent games
But I did have a lot of fun with world until one story quest that just killed all my enjoyment with the whole game on its own
Animal Crossing seems like a fun game, too I dunno if it's really worth it without any friends who play though
Topanga was a racist shit during the recording of BMW apparently, too She was an actual child at the time though, so that may have changed a lot since, I dunno But I saw it on my TL
Well if I cared much at all about it, I'd look more into it, but honestly just typing it into google would be too much work for something like this Boy Meets World is almost as old as I am, it's not important at all
>>929375 Might be better to say "was allegedly a racist shit" if is just some thing you read once.
That's fair, yeah
BMW overall is racist, because that car manufacturer makes good race cars
If i was at school and i found out somebody liked old movies i would ostracize and push them away It's such a weird hobby she should be ashamed
maybe even take up acting and performing to hide her true self Because unless she conformed to be like everyone else (and by that I mean specifically NOT liking old movies) she could never be accepted
AC is a slow burn game you play for like an hour a day slowly amassing more stuff to do as you go
Reddit fired that pedo admin that people were getting banned for mentioning the name of. Hopefully they fire the person who recommended her knowing she was a pedophile. She was in the news multiple times for being fired from jobs for being a pedo.
>>929417 And then you discover the turnip market and you either make it big or burn all your savings on turnips
>>929417 Guess I'll have to keep that in mind and temper my expectations with that in mind >>929419 Aren't turnips just a daily sell price changing item?
It's a very simple faux stock market (The Japanese word for stocks has the same pronunciation as their word for turnip) You buy your turnips Sunday morning for a certain price and then hope your damnedest that one of the morning/afternoon prices over the next week is a profit, because any turnips you have by the next Sunday morning will spoil and be worth garbage
I'm really not feeling too great this morning Which isn't good since I wasn't feeling great last night either And these aching muscles and fuzzy head are kind of cold/flu qualities I run into when I get sick So far I still have my sense of taste though
Getting enough iron for the shop is gonna take a while, it seems This last island, all the rocks I have access to broke on the first axe swing, so I got 3 iron, and I only have 3 rocks at home
I'm guessing maybe I can plant stones to get rocks though?
>Stuck at railroad crossing with a nice pizza girl
>You were wearing glasses, spoke with a European accent, and were carry a very large pizza. > It would be nice to go out for pizza with you and I will pay.
>>929552 Your island has six rocks, maybe five I'm a bit fuzzy on it, and that's it If you break one powered on fruit they'll regenerate once a day in a random available part of your Island If you need more stone resources you can take Mystery Island trips or whatever they're called and each Island will have a few rocks you can harvest off of.
Oh so THAT'S why those fucking rocks broke Is there some way to deplete my fruit satiation easily? Cause I thought it was just like "energy to do stuff" so I have kept it at 10, and I kinda want more than 1 resource per rock when I go exploring
>>929557 Yes, and I shit you not Place a toilet somewhere and sit on it
F I don't have a toilet
Go scoop some trees up with a shovel then It'll expend a charge and then you can just replant the tree
Ah, alright I guess I can scoop up the ones on the mystery island even for that purpose
I can only harvest my 3 resources from a rock each day, right? Like, if I break it now so I get a new one tomorrow, I'm not losing out on more resources today? Cause there's a rock right outside my house and I kinda don't want it there
>>929562 You can actually get up to eight resources from a single rock There's a timer that starts when you start whacking and once the timer runs out, you've gotten all you can from it for the day
Ooh, I just assumed it was 3 cause the 4th hit hasn't given me anything yet Maybe I need better tools for it?
>>929565 You can do it from the basic tools, you just need to set up in a situation where the recoil from hitting rocks can't actually bounce you back The simplest set up would probably be something like _0___ 0____ __@__ _____ _____ Where the 0s are holes you dig yourself and the @ is the stone You position yourself in the corner of the holes facing the stone, and no matter how you bounce, you should always be close enough to the stone to bonk it
One of the stones had a tree nearby, so i did that It worked, but I only got 6 anyway, even though I wasn't actually bounced back
You do kinda have to mash the button And sometimes a single wall tile like a single tree won't bounce you back, but it will slightly tweak your angle and increase the time spent in one bonk
Oh, I got 7 this time Is the 8th the one you get for busting it?
You won't break the rock unless you're fruity
Well yeah, I just meant do you get 7, and then you have to bust it for the 8th, or did I just not quite get it this time?
Oh I see No, a perfect execution of a rock bonk will give you eight drops without breaking the rock
Alright, guess I still gotta fiddle with it until I get good at it Still, tremendous help, I think I have enough iron once I go to one more island now Which is a big leap since I was sure I'd need to go to at least like, 3-5 more islands at the rate I got iron earlier
Oh I actually have enough already
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wtf why spend time mining for rocks when you can just go on the darkweb and purchase save files with monero
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what villagers do u have on your island paradise?
Sheldon and Tammy, though a bird is on its way, as well as... one other one I found on an island, that I can't remember anymore
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
today is a day
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
today is indeed a day howdy doody
Wifi module on my laptop is busted. Getting a usb wifi antenna today and ordering a new laptop. God, I hate Win10 so much.
Episode 11 filled me with a sense of dread that I don't know I've had from any other show. Like, I've had reactions like "ah, this is so tragic, i don't want them to suffer". But Episode 11 was actual dread. Honestly, just a fantastic episode.
I like the show, but the most emotional part of it for me is the OP tbh The rest is kinda just a show
>>929589 Something in my brain's broke well enough that the mood of it was just electric popcorn for me The directing was amazing, the facial expressions for the Accas were on point, the allusions to Grecian myth just absolutely tickled my literary nerd self An absolute ride of an episode
>>929591 At the beginning, I was kind of put off, like, "they're just gonna spend this whole episode doing a lore dump huh" and then as it really got into it, it became so engaging. The way they slowly and gracefully started to transition into some psychological horror aspects kind of made me feel safe but then they just slam you with it once you feel like you have the pace for the show and it made it really impactful.
The semi-body horror of Frill's "birth" I think holds a lot of credit too, I think, for arresting your attention and dragging you along for the ride It's just so absolutely uncanny that I think it's hard to not be invested in the content that comes next
Oh, totally, totally. And the way they even lead the viewer to see her as human, even if we're told she's an AI, and then just ripping the cord and setting things going. And then the reaction to Frill's behavior, because we're already kind of feeling like this is just a human girl for the most part, gives you this serious sense of confliction. Honestly, the direction for that episode was just way too good.
As a side note, I mentioned it to Rika in the thread afterwards, but I know a guy who worked on some animation for the episode Nothing big, just a few cuts, but even that was enough to get him in the credits He's not even Japanese too, last I checked he was living in B.C.
My body is still really achey and unreasonably sore, and while my temperature isn't higher than normal, I've had what feels like a fever fog all day So this definitely isn't good I probably shouldn't be at work, but that's alsoalso probably my total disinterest for work talking If I can't get better before tomorrow morning I'll see if my work would rather I go in for a test over coming in to work
If you have an accent, you're not an American. Now me? I'm a red blooded American. I ain't like those pussy foreigners who can't speak American no good.
No, Floridians don't have southern accents. Florida is closer to the north than it is the south in a lot of ways.
>>929623 Standard American English is spoken in the Midwest. >>929626 I know plenty of Floridians with southern accents. Maybe its just a panhandle thing.
Only one of my rocks came back I guess they come back one at a time, or maybe I just haven't been able to find the others
They regenerate one a day until you hit the island limit that I can't remember is either five or six
triple wielding streams...
what am I even doing
Man I want to play MonHun Or games in general I guess I didn't get to play a whole lot the past couple days because I was recovering from feeling kinda flu-y Six and a half hours is a loooonng way off
>a common issue of Ai being bankrupt in games (non modded) >solution: give Ai infinite money >new issue: AI doesn't trade, because doesn't need money >new issue: trade is moot mechanic 90% of the time as no one aside from factions with super good relations with you won't trade with you developing games with Creative Assembly
My mom is here at work today running her CPR training course for everyone and my boss is such a loser he can't even get the rhythm correct for providing CPR. And when he tried to lean back the dummy's head, he pulled it right off.
I've set my net to down, so it's very easy to get to Until just now, I've mostly kinda half-assed it and gotten stung a ton, but now I'm gonna start catching the damn things religiously, cause that's a big payout
I gotta get Tammy off my island asap Half the time I meet her she's like "wow you're basically following me, aren't you?" Girl there are a total of 6 inhabitants on this fucking island, we don't have much of a social circle here
Hello, anyone has contact with PAN?
>>929760 Most of the personality types will get a bit snarky with you after talking to them more than a few times a day Like you initiating conversation with them, when they don't have a signifier that something is up with them But the Aneki type is definitely a hard sell for some people because they're always kinda rough with you
>>929763 if he comes here, can you ask him if Homu is alright
>>929762 Sheldon's always happy to see me, though High energy boy
>>929765 Even Jock types have a "hey you're talking to me a lot" line, but it's more straightforward and if I remember correctly also kinda them saying "man you must really like me"
Yeah, they just take it as a compliment I guess
I only have two villagers I know I wanna get, too, so I'm pretty free when it comes to who I get to move it in*
I want the catboy, and the lizard girl, and the rest I'm gonna take as it comes
Oranges are worth a bunch too, damn
>>929768 Any fruit that's not the native fruit your island starts with is worth extra Bamboo and coconuts similarly are worth extra too
Oh, I see I started with apples, so I feel like I got kind of a low-roll on the startup conditions
Unless you really like apples personally and want them to be worth extra to merit ripping all the fruit trees in your island out to replace then -them with your favourite fruit, it really doesn't matter what fruit you started with
Oh yeah, should I maybe just get rid of most of my apple trees since I'm not too stoked about it? They're worth nothing anyway, so
>>929772 Honestly, it really doesn't matter I know the extra Bells you get from exotic fruit feels like a lot, but fruit as income will quickly become inconsequential compared to money you can get from fishing and bug catching Fruit trees are pretty much good for aesthetic value and occasionally picking some fruit up to gift to villagers So pluck them out, re-arrange them, design orchards, whatever suits your fancy Those are all more regular uses for fruit than selling
Hm, that's fair I guess Does anything other than apple have crafting purposes?
All fruit have a themed furniture set and ... umbrella I think?
Oh, cool Really I plan to just have a few of each fruit tree stowed away in my island somewhere in a dedicated patch of fruit land, anyway So I can just go here and shake 'em for fruit and occasional furniture
Yup, like I said, best to treat them more as decoration than income Animal Crossing has BIG decoration value to it, especially once you unlock terraforming You can really go wild with the design experience of the game after that
Oh yeah, that'll be a big help My island is kinda wonky for the stuff I wanna do, after all
Nook told me I can crossbreed flowers for new colors and stuff, too, but I haven't figured out how Do I just put them next to each other and wait?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
you put them diagonally touching each other and water em every day and wait as far as i remember
Flowers need to be adjacent on any one of the eight possible directions and need water every day For simple new flowerings it shouldn't be more than a few days But there are more rare flower crossbreeds that might be much harder to get
Does it count when my villagers are the ones watering them, or does it have to be me specifically? Cause I intend to have these paths going places with flowers along where one could imagine a sidewalk, and it'd be annoying to have to maintain that all the time cause Sheldon's out here watering every plant he sees because he's just such a good boy
Hm, not 100% sure, but I think it might Rain on your islands will also provide the flowers with the water they need to roll crossbreeding, so I suspect villagers watering them will too You can tell if flowers have been watered because they'll glisten every few seconds all day afterwards
Yeah, they definitely count as having been watered after my villagers have been there I waited with watering until late into today just cause I had other stuff I wanted to do, and I came back to quite a few glistening in the sunlight
Oh, I want Ankha too
>>929785 Ankha is lewd According to every ppipicture iiviveI've sen *seen of her.
I think while I'm up north for the weekend I'll take advantage of the opportunity to park my boots up there and bring my shoes back to the city Since it's unlikely we'll be seeing any more snow here for another seven or eight months
Do you actually need to wrap stuff to give it to someone in AC? I've got a bunch of gifts on my floor now cause dutchfriend is gonna get it tomorrow, and I wanna give him a bunch of the stuff I don't need (and also give him a little boost early on so he doesn't have to wait like 2 days to access his whole island)
>>929795 Wrapping is optional, since you can't physically hand something off to someone anyway It's more of a way to keep the gift a surprise until they can open itit
Ah I see I gotta just drop it on the floor for them then I guess? Or send it in the mail, but from what I understand I gotta meet them first for that
That's the most straightforward way of doing it I can't remember since it's been a while since I played multiplayer but you might be able to retrieve them from you Switch friends list But that might be incorrect, especially considering Nintendo's penchant for never making things actually take full advantage of online connectivity Plus they'd have to cross-reference that the friend owns Animal Crossing and that feels way above Nintendo's head when it comes to online functionality
Some food courier guy tried to drop off a bag of food at my condo door I haven't ordered any food today!
many of them have internalized a certain self hatred from the Culture and they only date white guys and want their kids to look white its definitely a Thing
hm where is this exactly asking for a friend haha :)
strive has some tan girls whoakun i know you like those just two there's only 5 girls though
new girls new cuties
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Man the internet out here in the country is shocking Couldn't even upload the picture of a rooster i took to show you guys How on earth do rural Australians shitpost?
they dont :(
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Hmm No wonder they're all alcoholics and meth addicts
AnnoSearch [iqdb](984 KB, 3982x3982, 1389282711798.png)Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
At least YouTube kindda works Watching vtuber clips in 240p
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I brought a novel with me too Although in the haste of packing I'd forgotten That reading is for losers
I guess I'm not gonna get Ankha for quite a while And I gotta wait for her to show up randomly rather than use miles tickets, now that the first 3 extra houses are made I think
I mean it's random when you use tickets, too, but you can do several of those in a day
Oh I guess you can't actually get her as one of your initial batch anyway, so it's not worth fretting over
He doesn't seem ill, but that's good to know >>929866 I guess so It's kinda weird, though, cause he was somewhat like this the first day, too Most of the time, this guy's indoors, for whatever reason
In that case it's just his AI deciding to have an indoor day, I guess Not literally, of course, but the random rolls the AI algorithm makes must've just ended up with him spending most of the day chilling inside
On the other hand, if you're noticing one of your villagers isn't spending time outside, it doesn't hurt to check in on them. Sometimes they're sick, but always once a day one of them will be hammering away at something and you can get a DIY recipe from them by talking to them
Oh yeah, he's the one who gave me the fossil door ornament while he was doing that, earlier I didn't realize it was a once a day thing though
kek >sorcerer blasts two strongest foes for 153 dmg each >bard crits 4 enemies for 60 dmg >palladin crits one enemy for 70 >warlock crits one enemy for 80 that was a lot of crits in just 2 rounds of combat
Are you from West Virginia? Because i heard that place name before In a song And i know you're from America So it therefore seems plausible to me that all Americans are from West Virginia
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
West Virginia is where the breeding looms are, yeah.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Is that why they call it a mountain home? It all makes sense
>>929889 I was mixing up names. I forgot what I wwawas actually going to ask. Some nature reserve in Australia that has Sequoia.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the cherry blossoms have been blooooomin for a week or two now they're about to get fuckin pulped by a big rainstorm in an hour >>929893 gambatte
I'd like to see a big cherry blossom blooming some day Both times I've been in Japan I was there out of season for 'em
>>929906 That killing fake people who personally feel that tey are real is bad and bad people go to hell. *they Or something like that. I know where to find the translation of it but that website is down.
Found the scanlated version.
Yeah, but that's fine If I just leave them laying around outside they might despawn, right? I don't have space in my house
Nope, they don't despawn The only thing that happens with turnips is they will rot the next Sunday morning And that will happen regardless of whether you bury them or do anything with them
Oh, well then I guess I'm probably gonna dig them up and make a little fenced in area for them later As it is, it's kinda ugly, after all
Did some quick math, and it turns out if things go as planned, I'll have way more bells than I know what to do with once tomorrow comes and I get to sell them at maybe 500 or so Banking on that for just your own island would be insanity, but when there are whole subreddits dedicated to this stuff it's not even a bet
I didn't expect it to be so quick Like, 2 turnip trades in and it's just not realistic to spend all your money on turnips anymore, just because you'd be wasting so much time going back and forth between wherever you store them and where you sell them
I've been sneezing all day and it sucks. I also got home to find like ten mice in the kitchen. However many there was it didn't take much of some violently swinging with an object to at least kill one. But whatever, for now I just want to chill out and play some Switch Fit.
Did I mention how much this place smells of what appears to be mice shit.
But those Overhead Hip Shakes in Ringfit, huh. You can get some good damage in, but that's not exactly a move you want to be doing when people are around. Well, I suppose it's not exactly a game you want to play with people around.
Test. Hard to find a suitable filesize test, but this old phone of mine has no problem uploading things. Don't know why my current one has such trouble with it.
Tammy is just showering me in gifts Unfortunately, what gift you get is kinda random so I've gotten a reaction I'm unlikely to ever use, and a... boring shirt
>>929986 Reactions are one-time gifts, so at least it crosses that one off the pool they can pull from to show you
Yeah, that's a good point Drake moved in like, yesterday, and he gave me a sweet lion dog statue already, so that's cool as hell Gonna catch a rare bug to give him tomorrow
>>929996 He's a pretty cool villager I like his house too, very cozy.
Probably gonna get rid of Sandy or whatever that bird's name is at the first opportunity though, I just don't like her. But maybe that changes tomorrow when she's not just unpacking.
So what do they do with the horse girls if they break their leg?
TO THE GLUE FACTORY >>930012 irl there were two that are in the anime tht couldnt race anymore one got killed one they kept i dunno what they did with the kept one
that is not a meme i expected to remember this evening
i dont get it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
underwater ray romano what is that like 2004 ... 2015 ok
ok i googled it and one discord im on is watching that anime right now thats kinda sus
>>930025 >>930027 There was a new set of games that were sequels to the original Underwater Ray Romano And an anime that came out a few years back for one of them So the series is somewhat in the public conscious Especially recently since the games were released on Steam
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ohh i see i did see that name floating around
i watched 4d kimetsu no yaiba yesterday and it hjad the seats get hot for fire dudes moves and it shot u in the face with water for water dudes and it breathed on u for boat mask and it punched u in the back when good guys got huyrt
>>930046 I have a friend who was crippled in a motorcycle accide nt who still wwawants to ride, last I heard he was gonna get a sidecar to help him balance.
your story falls apart in only four words it's already too hard to believe
there are few feelings in the world as powerful and free as riding a motorcycle
>>930048 KKeKek So savage XD You sure owned me How does it feel to be such a dick?
the honest answer is that i regret even interacting with you, just like every other time
my jap wants a motorcycle and the law for a motorcycle in japan is really easy to get but i dont want to get one
They always seem understaffed at IGA. >>930064 Hmm... absolutely neglect my cats to only possibly catch some mice, don't know about this one. Mind you one of the cats doesn't even really kill the mice, just catches them and plays with them. I think I will go no on this one. It's funny to see posts online of people saying "get cats" as a solution to mice.
>>930210 no one knows what ancient egyptians look like and if real, nito wasn~t from the, what is believed to be, black dynasties from further down south as for pigmentation due to sun, they are at about same sun exposure