This episode was like ten minutes straight of cringe. That's pretty amazing in its own way.
The character designs in this OP/ED/whatever are kind of KEY-like. They've all got that slightly too-far apart eye thing that KEY characters always end up with.
>>21871 Maybe so. But the modernized version is tainted with Americanism.
All I know that //is that a couple of decades ago it wasn't a thing here in this country and those kids coming up to my doorstep to beg for lollies can fuck right off.
>>21878 Not if you want the bottle inside to be intact also I dunno where my ax is
>>21879 Really? I'd expect you to have a deep and quantiful loli collection on hand.
Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders debate whether to raise taxes on the little guy to give him healthcare, or whether to just raise taxes and not give healthcare >>>/watch?v=2ugBYg1zbuY
650 replies omitted.Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
man this shit is way spookier than twilight princess
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>21044 i wonder if satisfying puzzles could be procedurally generated like if we break down what it is about a puzzle that makes it fun make randomly a high-level description of a puzzle like "the player must realize that changing the water level will expose this cavern but render the boat inaccessible, thus they have to shoot an arrow from a certain vantage, etc etc" and then instance it into world geometry
>Does the thought of a spider or centipede in your home horrify you? A new episode of CBC's The Nature of Things reveals there are more bugs in our homes than we realize — and we just need to accept it. OVER MY DEAD BODY.
Sleeping on the floor can be comfy if it's warm. I believe they're in winter uniforms though so that's probably noit the case.
It hurts my body to sleep on a floor. My lower back gets sore if I sleep on my back, my shoulder gets stiff if I sleep on my side, and my ribs hurt if I sleep on my stomach. I need a decent bit of cushioning when I sleep.