people think of pinetrees covered in snow, when they think of a wintery vista, but true beaty are the black and white birches; their normally böack bare branches now covered in silver-white paint of frost and snow a much fancier sight if you ask me
this will be the sixth time we have destroyed moe, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it
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Ton I finished it Really great game I got the first true end where Russle kills himself. Did you do all the side quests? I missed the red compass one because I couldn't find what it opened up. Gardenia best girl, had a real fucking depressing death though. Russle had a hard life. In spite of all that he dead, I wish there was somehow a better ending for him
I missed a side quest on day 4 involving the hitel and stuff you should go find the red compass and do the post game dungeon and stuff Gotta beat that superboss and enjoy the bonus room
>that sounds like something out of a video game NASA has used techniques in DuckTales to do stuff. I put nothing beyond fiction. Or was it the Navy? I can't remember. I think it was NASA.