I might finally have a proper chair to lounge in for my living room after today Although if it needs any kind of assembly I guess it'll probably have to wait for the weekend It'll be nice to have more than my desk chair or my bed if I don't want to be stuck standing
The gist I get are these girls are massively weaker than the main hero cast Partially because they're failed candidates, but also because they don't have the hero armaments If the Hero Club wasn't off camping or playing airsoft, they could sweep these mooks
But I guess the Hero Club has earned a reprieve, even if it means a bunch of other people get to suffer for it, hah hah
If there's important stuff to watch we can definitely highlight them I mean your stuff gets priority anyway since you're not always a guaranteed full show The easiest way to get something you want to watch watched is let us know you're watching it
We can talk about schedule revisions tomorrow if you want my brain isn't working right now it's bed time
Yeah go to sleep Rika why are you still here
okeydokey one of the reasons i bring it up is because we're going to potentially hit 25 shows this season 25 being the number of shows physically possible at 5 per night
Trust me, I spend a lot of time behind the scenes thinking about the logistics of anime I'm well aware of the time limitations, hah hah