She didn't feel dangerous, just evil. So she's not really doing it for me. I'll have to get to know her better but there's no way she's gonna take Mizuho's place as best girl!
Although it kinda feels like he's trying to make amends for being overbearing and creepy And thinks its his fault she got kicked out of the idol industry That's the feeling I get from him
Interesting show Dragon maid would have been a better comfy ender but this works
It's tricky to work around Bang's shorter schedule at times I kinda had a vague idea this episode might be a bit heavy for comfy But I didn't know how intense it was or, also, what the solution would be hah hah It was either it or the action-y Hero Academia
It's definitely very much the usual shounen trope that big fights are more just chances to show off flashy moves rather than be dramatic moments
It's rare for fights to actually have dramatic tension, although there are popular exceptions to that in recent years which might help break the trope I know both Kimetsu no Yaiba and Jujutsu Kaisen both kill off main cast members or at least secondary ones And Chainsawman which we'll hopefully be seeing soon goes wild through its cast
Kimetsu and Jujutsu are both much darker and the protagonists and charcters in those suffer a LOT more
in slime, the characters suffer for maybe 1-2 episodes before it gets fixed then you get a lot of episodes of brightness it's not bad but the show is very daring in just like how positive and suffering freei it can be considering the setting
Yeah, I don't expect the trope breaking to affect Slime But more that I think Slime is more in line with the vibes of shounen and generally popular action/adventure stories in anime and manga from the past decade or two And we're now seeing some stuff which is getting really popular which breaks from that mould without going into like, edginess or hardcore violence Like Kimetsu and Jujutsu are still shounen series at heart even if they buck trends Chainsawman is, well, a different beast entirely, but still kinda tries to be a shounen story. Kinda. But they're all wildly popular Shounen Jump series, so it's to be expected that they'll probably shape the future of shounen in coming years
She might have escaped all the death flags of the original game's setting But now she has to deal with the mess of a whole different kind of dating sim
Oh nice Very nice I was thinking back in the OP earlier that I wanted to see more of A-chan