Not synched.
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747 replies omitted.
fuck i downloaded the black desert ps4 beta todaay and just got off work, ready to play it and literally as I'm selecting a class for my character the servers shut down because the beta period is over
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
2019/08/13 (火) 09:03 No. 731473
i need a hero
>>731472 Guess you got deserted.
I haven't got a bone in my body
>>731476 >>731476 >>731476
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He was kind of a gag character. I don't see him coming back.
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there've been a lot of gag characters they're kinda fun hope yall have a good night
good night and weekend* my post got dropped!
Yeah looks like Doushio hiccuped for a moment there. Thanks for anime.
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yep, thanks for anime!
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816 replies omitted.
damn I love how animated the tail is
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This clan's pride is worth pancakes
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>wool uniforms in japan I mean yes it is damn good mateiral, but wa wouldn't it be too hot for their climate?
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Also well dunno how these uniforms are made, but shouldn't it be thight on shamiko compared to momo? there is a quite big difference between their chest compartment afterall
>>730402 >>730402 >>730402
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oh okay that's the white-haired girl? neat! and we have that episode ready for us whenever thanks for anime! good night yall
Yeah. She's at least half-Russian or something. Maybe full don't really know.
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I wonder why the protagonist is so brown. We never see her tanning.
Maybe she's the world's first genetically gyaru. Doesn't even need to go tanning to pick up that signature tanned look.
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she's not that far off from quitterie i don't think hibiki would fit in the skin-tight spacesuit though but that's okay
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h thanks for anime night
O ya Su mi
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i still want to get my friend mabel to join us sometime we're like halfway into the season now though
Well you joined us in the middle of the last season and that worked out well. If they want to join in I'd be welcome for more people.
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i'm a seasoned anime watcher though i dont think they've ever used an imageboard it might be weird
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797 replies omitted.
Unknown sock buddies! That's a little weird though, for you both to be wearing your respective socks on the same day.
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Deshou? What are the chances?
FormerRei@mobile 2019/08/09 (金) 00:33 No. 729469
About one in tree fiddy.
Nezi !m.........
2019/08/09 (金) 00:38 No. 729470
My first day of high school I remember seeing another guy with the same shirt I'd just bought, we pointed at each other and it was a magical moment as well.
.>>729471 >>729471 >>729471
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If this isn't one fo your favorite animes I don't think theres any hope for you.
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
2019/08/06 (火) 18:16 No. 728409
I still have hope for you, lost soul!
There is hope for me!
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/08/14 (水) 00:03 No. 731706
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the more stupid the premise the better the anime.
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153 replies omitted.
What is night but a darker day
Oh looks like she does show up. Oh and we see some of the Mamako cosplay too that'll be fun.
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ha what an episode thanks for anime
Yup yup, san kyuu
Oh boy I sure do love those animes
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129 replies omitted.
Hah hah hah Gus is way out of shape compared to these other three.
Hm, the Earth wouldn't be visible like that from Mars. We see Mars in the night sky like it's a star, assumedly that's how we'd see Earth in the Mars sky too.
Gus is always bullied. It's a little mean how it keeps happening!
I also don't think the radiation on Mars has that kind of side effect too but in fairness I'm also not very well versed in radiation.
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ahh sorry tilde i drifted off
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Assembly avengers
746 replies omitted.
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
2019/08/06 (火) 18:00 No. 728406
jesus christ it’s beast mode hogwarts
It's more like Japanese Zootopia. Explores similar themes too, really. And not a lick of magic.
gimme back my name gimme back my name something has been changed in my life something has been changed in my life
Samu 🗽 !KW2DbpWwls
2019/08/06 (火) 18:17 No. 728410
in a minnit, im still using it
>>728411 >>728411 >>728411