Her Ojou Power is ridiculously high. You can't have that kind of Ojou Power without being a strong tsundere. She does both the tsuntsun and the deredere flawlessly.
Well if you're able to drop in over the weekend it would be nice. I guess it doesn't really matter since there really isn't enough airing to create an insurmountable backlog. This is probably just the efficiency autist in me being persnickety.
The connection between chandelier and Cinderella feels a bit of a stretch. Like chandelier would be something like Shanderie in Japanese, and Cinderella, Shinderera Even if kids are dumb with language some times it still feels not really something they'd naturally reach for.
Ahem, as you well know It is the 25th of May and soon to be the 26th of May in Japan and also the final Monday of the month. Which means we get to celebrate Memorial Day, my Birthday, and Kokoro's Birthday simultaneously
Nah Hayasaka is the strongest. Fujiwara is the Chaos Factor so you can't really gauge her strength by conventional measures!
Oh wow apparently I can't even count to like eight without something going wonk. With the two shows we'll be getting tomorrow we'll have six shows for Monday and Tuesday nights total. Unless we can find something else to add in or Asenshi gets their next episode of BNA out.
Aside from the Honzuki episodes that leaves us with nothing airing this season on the backlog. At least by Sunday we'll have nine shows, maybe ten if Asenshi can get another BNA out. But there's only like eighteen shows still running this season that we're following. Even if we're back to four shows a night that still doesn't cover five days of watching. I need my content overdose damn it.