You're in New Mexico. If you're in the west, but not on a coastal state, your water is probably the best in the country.
>>504089 Well, it is a story of an evil corporation called Nestle because they're refusing to help the people that are dying even though it's fully within their power, but evil is what capitalism is built on, so I don't have any realistic expectation that Nestle would help those people. The government is also wrong for not helping substantially. Flint, MI won't be clear to drink water that isn't bottled for another two years.
>>504096 That is good to know. I didn't want to die from contaiminated water. The water here is from the // from my mom's partner building their own well down to the aquafier and getting all their water themselves pumped around the house
First strike (+spd) moonbow wind boost 3 seal atk panic ploy attack +3
She buffs herself +5 def/res when she attacks, and then the seal atk is an addition -7 atk. So as long as she initiates, she gets a really big defensive boost against any units that survive. And she does a lot of damage and almost always doubles since her speed isn't too bad.
I wonder if they'll reference it. I guess since they hit up the Blood Realm this episode they're gonna hit up Gazelle's Animal Realm next. Wonder if they're gonna tour all the other Realms that I don't remember in entirety before the series ends.