Trashing Kuro Kusoba is the best part of watching the show.
>>463303 The manga goes on hiatus so often too, or something like that. I'm kind of surprised they haven't canned it; I don't believe it's that popular.
We already got over the "I don't want to impose on these people by thinking they're not my friends" nonsense in episode one. It's nice when this gets taken care of nice and quickly.
Apparently there's been a bit of a trick they've been doing with special effects throughout the show. Those memory scenes, of Gilbert as they walked through the market there, in the earlier episodes they were edited with this foggy, cloudy special effect. And slowly throughout the series, matching Violet gaining understanding about emotions and people, the callbacks to that scene got clearer and clearer. I guess this final shot of it is perfectly clear.
Well either way there's no chance of watching it tonight. Rika's had her fill of four shows. And it's probably too late for her to start a new one anyway.