Though honestly there's a lot of overlap with that second one and one of the girls in the five in the anime annoucement, so maybe not. I guess we'll see whenever the anime comes 'round.
hmmm I guess we'll see I hope we get more original characters though The everyone being remixed thing was an interesting concept but it was kinda boring in practice
You can only have so many characters before it starts to feel like new ones are taking bits and pieces from previous ones. I still don't agree with the idea that Sunshine's characters were remixes of the original u's. The closest argument I can find for that is that both had someone into cosplay but, like, cosplay is pretty big in Japan. For one in nine high school girls to be into cosplay doesn't feel like an impossible statistic to me.
I mean I guess you could also mention how Honoka and Sunshine's MC were both orange-haired, but judging how the >>857353 presumable MC here also has orange hair, it seems like that's ... just something the Love Live project insists on having. Maybe I'm splitting hairs but I'd call that more developing a brand than copying previous traits.
Kaijuu versus giant mecha fortress is a REALLY solid combination. They've got some pretty cool premises here. Post-apocalyptic scavenging, caste struggles, ... Whatever THAT bit at the end was. Plus the spy or counter-agent stuff her boss was doing earlier in the episode. They've set down a lot of plot threads to follow.
There's Ahiru airing tomorrow, and potentially one new show of the season, Deca-Dence, but I don't know for certain if it has subs that HorribleSubs will rip. Probably will, considering things,but can't say for certain.
Oh sorry I'm still kinda here was just working in another window I think we should just save for tomorrow
Well if there's more pressing and engrossing matters elsewhere then I don't think there's really any satisfaction in trying to convince you otherwise for me.
They're okay but they're very very obviously written for women.
Which is particularly funny to me since the most enthusiastic person I've ever seen talk about them is a guy!
>>855474 It might be yet a couple weeks before we get more, but if you remember the cute girls doing fishing things show that got delayed last season. It should be returning this season, so at the least once we get to new episodes of it, we should have at least three shows for Monday nights. Dunno if there's other things that would air for Mondays though.
If you're really hankering for things to watch I could just put the old episodes on the list to work through before the new ones come out. There's another one or two shows that are in a similar position; got delayed, will air this season. That show about the two Japanese guys that shipwreck and land in America and participate in a cross-continental race will be resuming this season too. And the rest of the Railgun series that has been running now for like ... six months.
Our thermostat's batteries died some time in the morning so we woke up to an entirely closed-off house sitting probably somewhere around 28C or so. It was really swelteringly hot.