There's something weirdly sensual about someone brushing your mouth, after all
I like how Futarou and Ichika kinda have a vitriolic best friends relationship She was "first girl" so there's definitely an expectation that she'd win the Futarou Bowl But if they end up keeping that best friends relationship I think that would be good too.
Because they're like twelve years old at the MOST with Hika-nee and don't know SHIT
hika-nee is a high schooler and they live in japan they probably know a thing or two about deadly japanese colds
If you were going to catch the deadly Japanese cold out on a sunny veranda in the middle of summer you were going to catch it regardless of where you went So you might as well catch it out on the veranda where you can enjoy the nice summer weather
tuesday is wonder egg day i forgot what day is jaku-chara day but we'll see if i can survive any more episdoes i barely made it through the first one
I believe new episodes of Jaku-chara come out over the weekend So we can probably watch them whenever there's a demand for them If you're free on Tuesdays then Tuesdays can probably work
>>915528 If you survived the first episode then you'll probably manage the second one fine It's more relaxed and has a Very Cute Girl in it.
Nadeshiko's onee-san continues to be an absolute beauty. I'm envious.
>It gets cold during the winter. Stay warm and be well-prepared! It's definitely been like that 'round here the past couple days Going to be a low of -14c overnight here. Far too cold for my liking!
It's usually a mistake most people have to make once or twice Being absolutely insensitive about something emotionally loaded like a death in the family
Judging from the OP, that older ex-idol that works as an office assistant seems to make a return and be a part of their unit There's also two other girls we're missing from the ten in the OP, that might be this separate duo. I didn't look hard enough at the characters in it to recall though.
Idol dances can be pretty intense aerobics workouts You need to be really fit to pull them off for extended periods of time like full live concerts
You can't kill the main White Blood Cell that easily! This second half of the episode didn't have much of Red Blood Cell Weird of it to focus only on the White Blood Cell
The area around the hair in this body was a lot less developed it was a city in black
Yeah, it's subtle environmental details like that which also contribute to me thinking this body's much younger than the one in Black I mean it's pretty obvious even with the unhealthy lifestyle the body in Black is at least a full adult of mid-thirties bare minimum. This body strikes me as more maybe early to mid-teens.