These days I'm always getting quite a bit of sleep in the evening before anime, so it's easy to stay awake Not that I could fall asleep in this miserable chair, hah hah
>>920832 Well like the ED's theme goes, spring is next Though we probably won't get to that by the time this season wraps Hopefully they can do some comfy spring-time camping in warmer seasons
Yeah I feel like we're stuck in winter but that's okay I think yuru camp is best at winter
The aesthetic of the series has definitely been the comfort of thick clothes and establishing comfiness despite the weather so far But I think even some springtime camping could be plenty comfy. And it's a long way out by any stretch but autumn-time camping would be absolutely gorgeous in Japan I'd bet.
Man road conditions are pretty terrifying out here this morning Almost-liquid snow coming down in sheets, and slush and water all over the highway For once while I'm grateful to my driver for driving quickly and getting me to work ASAP, I'm also kinda spooked by what's probably slightly reckless driving for this weather Still, no complaints as long as he gets me there in one piece
White blood cell kinda took over as the protagonist for this one. You don't see as much of red blood cell anymore.
Maybe once they get through the Helpful Bacteria arc, she'll switch in for focus again. It's kind of hard to have her in regular rotation because of how they're spending so much time with this Normal Cell that adopted the bacteria.
I don't think either of the Monday shows are things you watch. Though I'm blanking on what they are at the moment I'll let you know if something shows up though.
Looks like autumn will be arriving next episode. Summer has passed ;_;
always comfy always matches the cold weather outside too.... they picked a good season to air this
Spring is on its way though! That's even the theme of the ED song too
Lately here the days have definitely been getting longer too When I get outside after being in the basement all day at work it's no longer totally night outside The other day there was even a really nice sunset I could see since the road I get out on runs east-west through the city Soon spring will arrive with its warm weather
They've put plenty of time into establishing the characters in this series by now So it's probably fine to do multi-episode arcs by this point Plus the cancer return seems like it might be a later development too still Since they've still got to finish up putting these lactic bacteria where they ought to be next episode