I dunno how to manage my life anymore I feel like crying but I don't know what for, and I can't either
Keep thinking the only good choice left is to just give up and revert to hikkineet again
I start thinking about anything and the conclusion is always that trying is meaningless because I can't
I'm not making good choices I'm not thinking clearly But it all seems so real, even knowing I'm wrong doesn't help and knowing me, I'll soon stop being able to tell I'm losing it again
Everything is fucking futile, even trying to fight my own mindset seems like it's pointless because I'm inevitably going to go insane again and get paranoid and stop even considering anything other than the absolute worst possibilities
75 replies omitted.sk
I run out of time for school in roughly 2 months because then my dad retires and I need income to help out
This isn't a fucking fairy tale
Pink Autism
>>129672 Once you get out of this haze, you'll be able to formulate a plan to get through.
>>129683 My mother RAISED A CHILD and went to college, at around your age. It's not impossible.
The weird wider extension thingies on side made the car look bigger and everyone always went "stupid board members think us europeans want big cars like americans" don't even know is it something unique to our market region and does it even emulate some design from west of the puddle but that is what we call them
fighting to za death we're all aroound tmr probably so lets do stuff then what airs monday? 1-2 shows?
I don't keep track anymore; I need to get back into practice. Shouldn't be more than one HorribleSubs show we're still watching, plus an episode of Little Witch if Asenshi can sub things properly.
"I was rather hoping this would just be some kind of spiritual journey and not involve killing weird little peoples. There's enough supernatural creatures to deal with while we're awake."
"Yes, I don't think attacking indigenous peoples at the behest of some small monster is the sort of path we should be on."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
The creature hops back into Thomas' bag. "I think we're gonna make a great team, friendo!"
Thomas O'Neil
"Hopefully. Now where do we go from here, fellow?" Addressing the party, Thomas says "I wasn't expecting to have to fight these things either. Just tripping out with Strikes-the-Blood would have been nice."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
The creature rubs its front paws together as its tentacled face writhes disgustingly.
<======TO===BE===CONTINUED====| i'll be the roundabout
Real talk, Squealer did nothing wrong. If the humans weren't wiped out, the queerats would never have true freedom and had no chance of negotiating on equal terms.