I'm pretty sure this is an adaptation so it's probably not something that's contained to one cour anyway. Yeah it's an online manga. Somali and her Otou-san probably have a lot more wandering to do before they find humans.
That was a really wild upgrade she got out of the blue.
I guess an armored class requires an armored suit upgrade. It is kinda in the recent vein of her new upgrades being more offense-oriented though. And also the product of things given to her, rather than acquired herself. The cooler powerups she got were the defensive ones or the ones she got from doing weird shit like eating an entire hydra.
Also like she only JUST got the kaijuu power at the start of the episode and then the Gundam power at the end of it. Her ability acquiring is accelerating too, even.
Well we did Chihayafuru since we didn't have you and Ace was Ace as usual, so it was really just Pet and Plunderer. Pet was kind of interesting but kind of just the usual advancing of the plot. Plunderer started off as what felt like an episodic one-off but the later bit of the episode had a bunch of plot-related stuff suddenly come up.
i know you're tryna get to sleep, but just curiously what was it yall were gonna see? a movie that's out? it's not that important i was just wondering what it was you were looking forward to
i hope he falls in line and things work out for you and thanks for getting done with anime early tonight
hmm we were watching a television show I didn't really care that much what it was, it's just nice watching things with people.
I hope things work out I think I'm going to have to be more assertive and bitchy when I'm mad going forward I hate playing games but I guess that's how it's gonna be
okay night moon
We're all cheering for your anger! Gotta take what's rightfully yours.
Would you participate in the CIVIL UPRISING to save your waifu?
>>810869 anything to extend their stay long enough to get that sweet sweet pension >>810872 sure let's join the gun party and convince them to overthrow the government
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>810872 id participate in civil uprising for just about anything
I've gotten a bit more into taking photos in recent years. My two most recent phones have had pretty decent cameras so I've tried taking advantage of that. There's definitely a lot of stuff that I get too into still and forget to take photos though hah hah Plus it usually takes a bit of time to get into the habit of it. Like when I was in Japan I was only taking a few photos at first but by the end I was reaching for my phone pretty much whenever something interesting caught my eye.