At these higher skill levels it's barely about poem memorization anymore and split-second recognition and reflexes. I guess that's a lot more active than other culture games like Go or Shogi or Mahjong. Er barely about poem memorization anymore and instead about the other stuff. When all that action is funnelled down into a single, sharp moment, things definitely get quite intense yeah.
>>763971 In that fight in episode three they were going up against B-rank hunters and winning against them pretty single-handedly. It looks like despite that they still have to do C-rank quests before they can formally rank up though. So yeah as far as things go they're probably way overpowered for quests of this difficulty.
Well that's ... kind of accurate. Certain materials would resist the drastic changes in temperature and not become brittle though. A lot of metal and stone like what the golem was made out of would be subject to those temperature changes though so it is kind of accurate.
The golem was probably a threat to everyone but Mile though.
I'm sure the other three could have overcome it if they worked together. Well, maybe just Reina and the Pink Mage. Mavis is really poorly suited against all these enemies with really hard exteriors hah hah. I think Mile made her a super durable sword last episode though so maybe after the other two had done the temperature thing she could have shattered it.
But that's also contingent on knowing how those materials react under temperature extremes which is probably beyond the scientific knowledge of an isekai world!