I still remember when the "online" features first became a thing my classical playlist had quite many subscribers to it, since it had ALL of the classical music on it that was available at the time faded from relevance a loong time ago, but... It was weird to notice one day that "you have 28 followers on this playlist" noted on it and I was like "dafug is this shit" I turned all my other playlists private the very second, but for somereason didn't do that to the classical
it's weird when you can't remember faces most white politicians look identically bland like i can notice the difference in baldy-greyhair up top and caterpillar eyebrows in the top right and nobrow on the bottom. they're obviously different. I wouldn't mistake them for the same person but they're all the exact same flavor of bland i would never be able to pick them out of a group of white people
Hmm yeah it might be a thing for me I can't tell some really african looking guys apart or shit But whites naah atleast the types that are in funland
>>32992 it's a little different in person because there's a lot to go off of but these mugshots, all in the same suit it's like taking a handful of rocks and throwing them into a pile of rocks and then going to try and find which rocks you had to begin with
the joker's spat with the infowars dude was kind of funny joker was just pointing and laughing obnoxiously and infowars guy was like HAHA THIS IS GREAT
>>31322 I'm really upset that he's wearing fucking tennis shoes with a suit. That triggers the shit out of me.