well i don't know if we should watch anything without him probably not i'm okay with waiting hopefully it doesn't set anime back too far during the week
I guess they're going to have little chats now and then
Could've been a better god to give him these dream conversations though This one is generally kind of annoying.
ruijerd seems like a pretty powerful friend
I'm always a bit anxious how much of him is geniune compassion versus duty If his tolerance dries up it generally becomes easy to question your duty.
Eris' enthusiasm is really endearing She just needs an active lifestyle like this.
I guess we're seeing some of the reasons even despite Rujierd's attempts to garner good faith, people still fear him Guy has a strong moral code and is RELENTLESS about it
>>926832 Reverse isekai like that is a bit uncommon, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was an isekai out there that covers at least the first half of that premise.
Wonder if she'll actually be able to move up to the next part of this underworld Judging from the naming sense, Lower, Middle, and Upper, if she can get through this upcoming Upper Stratum part of it, she might be able to escape into the actual world.
i would totally play a fighting game in this world i'd probably main the advisor to demon-loli
Schlain seems to have quite a few brothers A bit surprising he got the Hero title and not them.
i wonder how they feel about not being heroes and isn't it strange for the hero to die
Well the short-haired one seems to either be pragmatic, or a bit salty about it.
>>926840 Heroes are mortal too! A Maou like the one we've been seeing does seem like they might need a few Heroes thrown at them before they go down
big spiders are apparently very evil oh no spiders killed his nii-sama
I do kinda wonder if the stuff with kumo-chan is actually in the past it doesn't make sense that she was born after everyone else was teenagers what if she's the queen tactaract
It's definitely possible, yeah.
i'm thinking that the elf girl told them a lie because she didn't want them to know that spider-chan was an all-powerful spider queen
also spiders seem to be naturally very evil-inclined especially with all the evil choices they have as they level up
Well a lot of these isekai authors are tabletop nerds And have probably played some thing like D&D at some point Most monstrous creatures in those systems are usually some kind of Something Evil by classification
The human side of this Human/Maou war really seems to be getting rolled though.
>This is a story from fifteen years ago It keeps happening
Honestly it happens so much I swear it almost feels like a red herring.
Hah hah hah If Kumoko-chan has managed to create an environmental hazard by chasing out the native species of the labyrinth That would be something else
Yeah, plus it has a lot of the same skills she does And maybe this is how she seems to the rest of the world, not the cutesy way we see her.
But at the same time, the fact that it's not undeniably her makes me feel they're kinda leading us on here. It's like, too correct to be true, you know?
If it really was her there that slaughtered all those humans Talking about chewing them out and crying it was self-defense sure is ... kind of psychopathic She was a human in her past life!
i mean she said // she wiggled her arms around and made spider noises right before they surrounded her
but she seems to be losing her mind a little bit well more than a little bit
also the most powerful human mage thinks she's way out of his league, with unimaginable power and she's like still leveling up
i'm guessing ronald-kun is more powerful 15 years later though
The Japanese word for taboo being "kinki" is still funny to me
>>926874 She's been all but entirely isolated in an underground dungeon having to fight for her life on a daily basis I don't entirely blame her for going more than a little crazy, but she does seem to very happily abandon any sense of empathy for human beans the moment she's in danger.
You can be a nerd and enjoy social engagements like this! Nothing like enjoying some sun and good barbeque
I was about to say something about Takei being oblivious to the mood and just butting in But it looks like his dumbness might've helped with those two getting a good moment
Dansei taruku
alright this is actually literally teenage bullshit
Yeah, duh They're teenagers What else would they be getting up to
Hah hah hah Tomozaki and Aoi get really competitive with each other Even over stuff like card games
It is kind of nice to have friends like this though I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit envious
Tomozaki has been garnering a bit of a reputation as the straight and blunt friend of the group That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it is something that can be dangerous if
It's okay, any actual intimate thing is probably just Aoi playing Though she does seem not too good with bugs. I'd assume she's still mostly in control of herself though.
orenji >>926929 i'm thinking if i were to be in charge of bets being placed i'd put the odds at 3:1, favoring that she's just doing it for some reason or another but she's also kind of a self-serving sociopath and her real intentions often seem obscured and the way she talks about fuuka and tomozaki always has so little respect for emotion
i'm just saying if this ends up being a subversion of expectation, i'm gonna hate hinami
>>926926 Then you shouldn't expect her to be doing anything more than playing with Tomozaki Because there's no way she sees him in any kind of romantic way right now
>>926927 Judging from how you talk about her, it sounds like you're most of the way there anyway
That last New Years card was kind of nice.
that kadomatsu reminded me of korone's new year's stream
tokyo tower
Hah hah hah She just immediately started demanding Ren-chon help her beg too
If all they're going to do is an improv skit and Manzai comedy Coudn't they just do this all indoors
hahahahahaahahahaa she's just watching from inside
Hah hah hah They totally hit her with the "Sir this is a Wendy's" right there at the end
that bit was great i liked that
Geez it's absolutely snowed out there It makes me anxious just seeing it.
weird how it was like that in austin for a whole week that never happens
We didn't get much of that here this year
Maybe like one or two real snowfalls Though this city also generally gets the easy life when it comes to snowfall since the Great Lakes help a lot with messing with weather patterns