I had a blast watching. It was also the first thing in a long while that managed to peak at a sheer level of absurdity in one episode that I felt pretty disorientated after watching. So that was pretty memorable.
wow what the fuck rip this guy he's been through some shit
The stuff in the earlier episode might've seemed severe but that's mostly because of scale. The human body, even when it seems healthy, fights off stuff like what they've shown on a nearly daily basis. It's really only the heatstroke and this severe head injury that have been actually serious events.
posting in this thread is a recognition that i am the cutest idol on /moe/
679 replies omitted.Anno
Kind of reminds me of those uberman sleep schedules. Good luck though.
>>577783 nite there are some ways to control dreaming and I don't mean that lucid whatever stuff but basically involves either thinking practice or listening to stuff as you are falling asleep
I myself find the latter easier, since thinking just keeps me awake
I feel like this episode was a little worse on the faces than usual.
Danna-sama does have a weird knack to work in almost any industry. I feel he's enjoying this vacation away from his inn more than Aoi is enjoying hers.
I thought we were heading toward a Hanako is leaving arc but they were just cool with it.
Kind of makes you ask "why even include it". That whole problem got resolved in less than a minute. And it's not like we haven't seen Hanako's resolve throughout the course of this series. She pretty much won Uori back over because her resolve was stronger than hers.