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7 years ago today cecilia died please pay your respects
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2022/01/02 (日) 19:23 No. 1011719
We lost one heck of a gal
I don't know much what to say But I still think about you quite a bit Thanks
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2022/01/03 (月) 02:05 No. 1011741
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she was my soul brother
I hope that you would be proud of how far so many of us have come since you left You are dearly loved and sorely missed
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704 replies omitted.
>>1012497 after watching the whole thing i still can't tell if it's real or not it feels like a long parody skit
yeah it really is something
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Good morning
wait there's a singing number why why does this go so long
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
2022/01/05 (水) 12:26 No. 1012507
>>1012506 >>1012506 >>1012506
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Well RIP to that last thread
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>>1011730 >>>sage Cooking with and rosemary, and sage tonight! Yum.
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happy bang happy bang i have to drive someone to the airport in 5 hours that's a drag good thing i don't work for a week thanks for anime~
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very good comfy series that was one of the better things this season
The romance kind of went around in circles for a bit but they ended it on a pretty decisive note I also really liked the themes of what you're fated to do versus what you want to do And that with the right perspective maybe some times they aren't actually different things It was a well-written series
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yeah it was a good one thanks for anime
Thanks for anime! See you tomorrow
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Wild to see how they've turned a simple game of catch into such an intense experience Oh and there's her trump card
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why did they go through the trouble of doing the catch game should have just beaten her up
It started pretty innoccuous with the smaller bet And then Ermes got greedy with the bet for a thousand dollars At that point the time between throws was already set to ten seconds and the Stand user was making a point of hiding and avoiding confrontation It was a pretty clever set-up by the Stand user Too bad Jolyne out-played her since they did never establish who she needed to throw the ball to
That was pretty fun JoJo is such a goofy series Thanks for anime, Rika! Have a nice night
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well that was a good jojo night thanks for aniem
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Title drop! Kinda Oh the mangaka did the final endcard As is tradition I guess
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that was a good series thanks for anime
Yeah, it was I should follow the mangaka next time I see their account
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i liked that series thanks for anime!
Thanks for anime! Good luck with your work week Rika
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remember when there was a point>>>/watch?v=rF4C5apqZ9U i do
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is that where you are right now?
i can't reach it i can only sense it
a sea of voices it's too low to hear but it's so loud...
>>1010716 i spent many hours walking alone listening to dj shadow back in the day thanks to you, i also like the hungarian title album by snares and i've listened to that one and shiver in eternal darkness the latter of which is fairly nice but both those albums are so hard on the ears it feels like watching that experimental movie wavelength but audio form
also your commitment to chen and visage was admirable and a source of greaet amusement
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oh here they are finally
They had to go fetch the shotguns I guess the prison follows proper gun safety procedure and keeps them secure in a gun locker or something
I wonder if any of the prison guards will pick up Stands It's a safe bet that Ermes has one, since she picked up the charm before she sold it to Gwess
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well that's going to turn into a mess if everyone stays in prison okay thanks for anime
I think a prison break is in due time Probably Thanks for anime! Good luck with the work week, if you're going in at all
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Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2021/12/27 (月) 10:51 No. 1010707
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mashu was designed to extract my creme
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2021/12/27 (月) 10:52 No. 1010709
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cream, flour, eggs, butter as you bake her a nice cake.
did the main thread get pruned again lel
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the time has come it's new bread time
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Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2021/12/31 (金) 05:47 No. 1011427
>>1011426 you can stay here and talk about strippers
>>1011426 Sorry I was around but I kept laying down while waiting for Rika So after a while I just nodded back off That's on me
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yeah i guess there was no anime
>>1011430 you check out >>1011423 ?