We made it /moe/! It's the weekend! Enjoy life to its fullest!
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>>865974 wait a fucking second are those a pair of Siberian tigers
sorry bengal white tigers
the former is already DEAD
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
theres some HOORJS in dis haus
in all honesty i thought that song was alright the subject matter isn't really what i'm about so i probably won't listen to it much but the wordplay is objectively proficient and the track has a lot of good qualities
I also wasn't really expecting them to set up a multi-episode story this episode either. There's the weird haunted mansion the camping girls saw earlier. And the stuff with the main group going on their own camp.
Cute ghost girl Kinda sounds like she was singing a bit from
We've had a whole series to have Tohru show us what she's like, where as Rin has like half a season I think. The narration is probably there to condense character details. Or maybe the mangaka changed their style of writing as the series went on. I dunno. I almost want to go back and read the manga to see what it was like after this show wraps up, but, eh, at the same time I don't really want to. This has been such a nice adaptation as is.
Is it close enough that the anime will be able to wrap up the series?
Noooooooo idea The first half of the anime was twenty-five episodes, if this second half is equal that we've got another seven episodes left. I ... think? we're close to shit really hitting the fan. There's like three or four major story beats left to hit before the finale can be triggered but I don't remember what the pacing for them was like. I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be a full adaptation and they're close enough that it would be damn insulting to not finish the plot. Maybe there's some chapters that won't get adapted as we head towards the finale but I think they'll fit all the important stuff in.
Yeah every indication I see says this should be a full adaptation. Maybe they'll get an additional episode in for twenty-six to squeeze every week they can for this second season.