I watched that movie Promising Young Women today. It's supposed to be super feminist and about female empowerment, but it was pretty disappointing. It stumbled over its themes really badly and was pretty predictable. Apparently it's been really well received, but it was just bad! Such a shame. I like Margot Robbie so I thought it would be alright since she was producer but zannen.
>>927998 It came out in January 2020 at some festival and never hit the theaters due ti Covid so it kind of ended up going under the radar but I saw some chatter about it on Twitter recently. And I was told that it was one of these, woman on a violent rampage getting revenge on the patriarchy type movies. But there was virtually no violence!
Internet connection is working again.
Cooking in BOTW is also p fun You can just throw whatever you want into a pot, it's way better than most games of this type where you gotta find someone who can teach you a recipe where you put an apple and a mushroom in a pot
>>928001 Experimenting sure is addicting Plus if you look around the insides of buildings and sometimes elsewhere, or talk to people, they will tell you recipes you can make It's not an unlock or anything, but more of a pointer to a combination you might not've considered on your own.
Do I unlock the ability to craft weapons at any point, or is it all find and use?
Or rather, is there a way that I just haven't been explicitly taught yet? Cooking wasn't really an unlock, I think, I just got told how to do it at one point
just use wat you find there are four weapons that you can recreate once they break, but it's kinda expensive and they're not worth it imo by the time I unlocked those I was swimming in lynel weapons
The little extra chests in shrines are neat too Until just now, I thought they only had like, valuables so you could get rupees, but this one had a bandana I assume is unique Extra climb speed
yep that's unique that whole aet // set gives a huge bonus to climbing, it's one of the most useful
Is there an easy way to tell what shrines I missed the chest in? Cause I've only missed 2 I think, and I dunno which ones, I just remember later going "Oh, I didn't find it in that last one, did I?"
I don't think there is I missed a unique item once in a shrine and I had to look up which it was
Dude how in the FUCk do you actually do the marble puzzle shrine?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's quite difficult because of the motion lag
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
most of the time i just hope to roll the marble off the back of the maze instead
I can't fucking get enough speed on the marble
>most of the time There are more of these?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean among my playthrus
I solved it using stasis instead Why put motion control puzzles in if they're this laggy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah idk some exec must be forcin them to do motion control stuff
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>928022 i like that with the sun against the skyline
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it was a grand ending to a mostly rainy day
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i might do some kinda psychedelic tonight
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what kind
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
either mushrooma or lucy or both???
>>928036 Big news https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/232/20210311:185410 This guy might've developed a viable method of breaking RSA on non quantum computers.
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>928036 both? that sounds like a great idea what could go wrong
A lot
The test of strength shrines sure are a lot, huh Guess they're late game content Got absolutely bodied by a sentinel thing five times before I went "hold on, all of this for one fucking orb?"
Nah you can totally take on the Test of Strength shrines pretty much right out of the Great Plateau Approach the fights like you would a Dark Souls boss, and use the opportunity to learn how to Shield Parry and dodge counters
I mean, sure, "approach the fights carefully" but that doesn't help when I have no weapons with damage left at the end and the fucker shoots two beams, unlike every single other guardian I've ever seen
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn i need mdma to become a jedi
Don't become a Jedi Only NERDS become Jedi
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the jedi are WEAK
"jedi knight" more like jedi dumbass
>>928042 If you go into a Test of Strength, even a Greater Test of Strength, with two, maybe three basic metal weapons, a metal shield, and maybe a bow and some arrows, you have what you need to beat that fight without cheesing it. The first time you encounter one of the Test of Strength shrines, it'll definitely feel like it overwhelms you unless you've been preparing properly, and even then it's not supposed to be a breezy fight But they're a learning lesson for some of the much harder fights you'll find in the game.
>>928047 Well, I barely had any resources on me I had 2 swords and a buncha clubs and iron hammers, but all of it was broken by the time I got to the part where the fucker sat down and charged a laser I assumed it was one, but it was two, and that's when I decided I'll go back later
It's too much effort for a single orb this early in the game anyway, I can just go fish up balls from a pool of water or whatever the next shrine will be instead
Yeah same I closed my eyes for maybe twenty minutes or so earlier but aside from that I didn't really get my evening nap At least it's almost the weekend
will do! i will try to keep it focused on the important things
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's only a mushroom tea so i shouldn't have to VOMIT NOW
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's a part of me that very much wants to talk to vomit girl but i know that can't happen
Yeah it's good if you don't Just leave it a clean break Let it heal
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah if she sends another email well obviously im hoping for that but its
being a man is hard sometimea
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my inner child has always been androgynous but im ok staying in this shape maybe i can be uploaded into something else
>>928145 I can kinda get that For most my life I didn't really think much about which way me leant And by this point I'm mostly just "well it's fine the way I am" about it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i do wonder so easy to wondee so hard to change i need to be softer
>>928202 good sadness and also a familiarity i've been here before it is good to revisit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how are you today
>>928204 Excited I'm really happy with my new magic deck. If things go right I'll be able to play on Saturday. I played with my roommate a little bit but he doesn't like EDH. In games without prizes he quits if he makes a mistake and gets really salty. I beat him four times on Wednesday. Including him quitting turn three because he didn't read the card I had out and destroyed his commander due to the effect of mine. Although I blame him for that because I've been talking about what this card does for like six months now. >>928206 Nice I almost wwent to see the ring cycle at the lyric opera but I caught a cold and was coughing a lot so we ended up not going.
this energy drink i'm drinking in the morning says it has NeuroFactor and AstraGin what the fuck
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i miss the voices tho
where'd they go guess i need a higher dose for that
https://www.futureceuticals.com/sites/default/files/styles/mobile_friendly/public/2018-06/brandlogos-neurofactor.jpg?itok=K7y5l8Sb woops that's not how you do that
NeuroFactor® is an all-natural, patented extract of whole fruit from the Coffea arabica plant.
NeuroFactor® contains a unique profile of polyphenols that have been shown in clinical study to stimulate the production of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), a key neuroprotein involved in overall brain health. BDNF has been widely reported to play a critical role in neuronal development, maintenance, repair, and protection against neuro-degeneration.
wtf is this if this works, will i be a super gamer tomorrow
>>928209 Well, it makes any card that buffs a creature into a kill spell. Technically any spell or ability that would target a creature. So it runs really weird cards that you wouldn't normally run. For example in the ffifirst game i played against my roommate he tried to equip his creature with a really powerful (and expensive) equipment card, but the equip ability triggers Horobi's ability.
this is what i bought i bought it because it said warhead flavor and i'm always down for something new but apparently it has "performance enhancing chemicals" in it i doubt they are going to do anything that other energy drinks do but who knows i'm really just in it for the caffeine
I actually found a sour candy that's like 20 times more sour than warheads. The way I calculated it was by dividing the number of warheads you need to eat t o cause your mouth to bleed by the number of these other candies you need to eat to make your mouth bleed. You're not supposed to eat more than like five or six per somsome amount of time. Anyways I never bought it because i know i wouldn't have te self control to stop myself from eating them until my mouth started bleeding.
speaking of energy drinks samu when are we gonna do red bull and jager at a fuckin rave and whatever the hell else you got on you
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man i'll wear some dumb sunglasses it'll be grand
shutter shades and the supreme hoodie
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just gotta get a fuckin VAXX already canada pls
yeah same and also for raves to come back
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
start one
i'm sure there will be a music festival by the end of 2021 with Porter Robinson headlining his new album
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hell ill start a rave how expensive could that possibly be
Pitchfork is tentatively happening tis fall.
depends i guess but you'll probably want like at least a hundred grand
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
update: rave's cancelled no one cool showed up
>>928233 i'm talking about a very different kind of music festival
with more glowsticks
>>928236 Oh, a lame one that has affordable tickets?
affordable tickets are optional lasers and trance music are not
Oh fuck Speaking of If Pitchfork is happening i need to go do sststuff for the record fair again so i get my free tickets. Shit I need to get vaccinated ASAP. For real though i cannot wait to get vaccinated I haven't been to the arcade in over a year.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
can i just like walk over the border and get vaccinated
Probably not though
Maybe in a month
this is the last one i went to https://imgur.com/a/VItQi18 december 2019
the lasers were sick af that was Virtual Self, Porter's trance project Skrillex was also there and Bassnectar
>Skrillex We're you able to see him press play on his laptop with your naked eye?
do you think the reason people go to shows like that is to watch a musician perform his art
>>928247 No, it's to dance, do drugs and tell people you went.
you sound like someone who focuses a bit too much on the last part, and has never really enjoyed either of the first two
>>928249 I don't do drugs. I just find the idea of paying to see a musician who doesn't play an instrument incredibly bizarre. Really he's more of a composer.
neither do i unless you count alcohol and i don't dance very nicely either but some of the best moments of my life have been on the dancefloor
>>928250 they usually refer to themselves and are referred to as composers but as someone who plays instruments and produces you can't really say that music and a love of the art - how sound can influence emotion through rhythm and melody - isn't a major part of both and the shortsightedness to dismiss the experience of an EDM show simply because you already know how more traditional arrangements might suit your fancy isn't really excusable based on the premise that displaying mechanical skill on stage is a requirement for higher art
>>928252 It might not be a requirement for higher art, but it certainly makes a better performance.
i'll remind you as well that musical elitism as a cultural phenomenon is rooted in racism
>>928253 it just makes it a different performance not a better one
man some of my favorite musicians in the world are tosin abasi, rachimaninoff like i get the love of technical prowess and skill, but that isn't the only facet of music
I think k I'll stay up all night and get aan eeneeneeenergy drink in the morning. I'll need to check if the convenience store is open early enough though.
Looks like they do. I guess it wouldn't be very convenient if they weren't open before 8am.
Man for pallets of stuff in this morning alone The receiving part of the warehouse is already kind of full up to boot These dumbass buyers need to stop buying things we don't have space for
I guess I'll should try out some homemade mouse trap designs when I can. // I should I've seen the same mouse that has made itself at home in my room for ages, take the bait off the traditional traps I set up with ease in the past hour. I know my dad had some success with a trap he made from somewhere online, so I might as well give it a try.
Thunderblight Ganon has me feeling like just quitting this game, honestly 4 dodges necessary, all with a window shorter than the bluetooth lag This is fucking stupid
>Thunder Ganon is the hardest Yeah I mean when the main enemy is the actual game controls, that does make a fight harder
Guess I'm gonna have to wait with this guy until I'm later into the game I CAN beat him right now, I just keep dying on the last phase because after dodging in phase 1 and fighting my own controller in phase 2, I get 1tapped since I have only 4 hearts when he rushes in from who knows where in phase 3 Can't see him, tracking him with a joycon isn't feasible
>>928308 Maybe you need to get the pprpro controller.
For now, I guess I'll get started on the other parts of the game Look for shrines, farm up rupees for gear, cook It's a really fun game other than a few severe complaints I have, after all
Even this ganon situation, my MAIN complaint is the controller isn't fit for purpose here, the boss fight is just not reasonable for the default controllers for the console And that is a serious complaint, but I'll just get a procontroller so I can do it later
>>928318 You should go see the Iwata NPC And the Robin Williams NPC
>>928319 I prefer to find those kinds of things naturally, but maybe once I'm really late into the game I'll look them up if I haven't run into them
I miss roRobin Williams ;_;
I had no real relation to the man From what I gather he was a pretty good dude though
>>928322 Oh, he ws really funny. He voiced the genie in the original Aladdin.
He was also in Hook Which I recommend if you haven't seen it.
Is that "Peter Pan, but captain hook is the protagonist"?
>clear the hurdles in under 1:15 to get New Horse Tech >on pace, easily making it >horse fucking phase shifts 10 meters to the right moments before a hurdle, costing enough time to kill the time I swear to god, it's not even a big deal when the issue is I made a mistake, but when the horse goes straight and then legit just slides directly right, which I can't even make it do on command if I want to, it's rael grating
>>928348 Back Arrow careens so wildly into the silly and almost parody that sometimes it's hard to take it seriously
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
paying money for internet god fucking dammit i feel like such a chump
I was a fool to spend orbs on stamina early on Stamina is the kinda thing you can chug a potion for the few times you need an extra boost, but HP you're always gonna want more of
Sure, but being able to actually live through an attack, at all, is very nice >>928356 It ain't fun for me to see the game over screen each time I see anything stronger than a blue goblin, is all
I have the armor set now, so maybe it's less of a problem at this point, but early on it was just pain
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i like going for stamina earlier 3 hearts is the most fun part of the game
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wish i could fly off the plateau for thr first time again
u can :)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ill destroy these wretched memory cells once and for all video game retailers never saw it comin
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and you dont seem to understaaaaand~
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this bar is fuckin PACKED covid safety? jokes
i see you mister bartender puttin a thumbs up in my perioheral vision i know what you're doin
>>928405 In fairness during the warmest times of the year in Japan, heatstroke is a genuine health concern even for relatively healthy people And the English word "heatstroke" doesn't make much sense to people who aren't native speakers
Man I was walking the dog again today and he found another dog he was obviously interested in so they sniffed around each other for a while and I had to force some small talk with the other owner. some middle aged lady and so I'm like >ah - what breed are they (which of course, is the obvious go to) And she's like >He's a Whippet But her tone was like Implying that was something obvious that I should have already known.
Kind of rude if you ask me.
At that point you just need to affect your most Bogan accent possible and say something along the lines of "oh gee miss I'm sorry this is my first time owning a dog" Just make her revile you
Other good songs are Disciples, Brand New Person Same Old Mistakes, Let It Happen and Eventually. Most of the other songs are pretty good but I can't pin the name to the song right now.
other good songs when the tiger broke free shine on yoy ceazy diamon
Well, now that I could survive a hit, Thunder Ganon was a fucking pushover
How did people do this guy last and struggle? One of the phases sucks, sure, but that's just cause the joycon doesn't have the stick range to increase the sensitivity
I have achieved total weather immunity in BOTW As well as a rupee fountain Blessed be the snow biome
Well, if it inexplicably begins thundering on death mountain, I'm beyond boned, I guess Maybe I'll buy a few potions just to keep on the offchance some interaction like that takes place
I know you can get your own house too, is that like, post-game content, for when you just wanna completion hunt after beating Ganon? I just need a yes\no on this one, I'd rather find it myself if it's not
Pog Time really is just flying by now that I'm geared up and have a buncha health and stam, so I can just sorta explore Still kinda relying on luck when it comes to weaponry, but there's a lot of fucking weapons >>928463 I got a horse very early on, but I never ride around on her She's fully bonded and stuff, but walking lets me break off from the road and explore random stuff more easily
Really though, for a world that needs saving, Hyrule really isn't doing that bad It's been 100 years since they failed to stop Ganon and he's just kinda chilling at the castle
It seems fine to just let him He can have the castle
But, there is a cookbook in there I need for a quest, so I guess I've gotta save the world
Naw, I grew bored one day and just didn't boot it up again since May or may not go back again some time, but then I'm just gonna buy my first month of premium so I can get a more efficient mining ship and start making money so I can finally start fucking around on the market
How do you find a good guild though? That's something I've struggled with in every mmo
Ladder climbing I think In most MMOs it's whatever, you just sorta find or get found by a guild, join it, and enjoy your time With EVE I think it's more like, you network The largest guild isn't even recruiting I think, they're just Something Awful's guild
But EVE is always in motion, so you could get in on the ground floor, presumably, with some new guild dedicated to actually going big
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>928472 naisu i miss having plentiful bentos available
Pando's little cabin is actually really incredible because it's... I think, the only reliable cooking pot in the whole game? Every other one is outside
>defeated a major test of strenght, getting some good weapons and a good shield >chest is a knight's halberd Just don't give me a chest instead of hitting me with an insult like this
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yes my liege so sorry to have encumbered you with this trinket milord
Don't worry, I couldn't pick it up anyway I'd be happier with a green rupee, at least I could take that with me
source: medieval 2 agent/character wages it is bit annoying how in the older games you have some costs/incomes etc, that are just listed, and nowhere told what they actually are ie. wages in med2 amusingly, princess' are the most expensive, costing 250 a pop even more than the monarch and other generals, who just take 200 a pop (+ their bodyguards)
... after majority of finnish bank users switched from paper one time codes to mobile apps/electrical codes
all authentification has gone insane
I just authentificated like 5 times to access a site and then pay a bill through it I mean, the more the better, but if I had to still use a 80 code note, I'd be through one in just a few months compared to usually a year
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i try to use a yubikey device whenever i can for auth so much faster
well that was a lot of bills I had forgotten to pay 1/3rd of it was just notification and overdue costs, lol
also now I am quite broke for the coming weeks quess I will have to actually take my refundable bottles and cans to the stores finally I prolly have like 20-50€ in them by now
the refund pawn pricings are 0,10 for a glass bottle (any size) 0,15 for a metal can (any size) 0,2 for a 0,5l pet bottle 0,40 for a 1,5 pet bottles (and 1l and 2l) these are added to the price of the beverage
which is kinda funny, since for example lidl sells one beer brand for basically 0€ profit actually, for a deficit considering logistics
is there a difference between a shovel and a spade?
yeah spade is usually small i think
and square according to google
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you're a square
This'll be a fun week for games Story of Seasons on Tuesday and MonHun on Thursday I'll be up north for the weekend so having some good news games I can bring with me will be nice
I don't even think it was a particularly fancy car, but the guy had really outfitted it Had a spoiler, tinted windows, the aforementioned lighting Was a comfy ride, but the way he drove definitely gave me the impression he might do street races when he's not busy doing courier work
I was showing the new nurse practitioner at work some stuff in our electronic record system today, so she was in my office, and she noticed some of my decorations. I have my incense burning cup which is an Asian bowl, and my Japanese incense, the Daruma doll on my desk, and the Diamond Sutra in Japanese on a scroll on my wall.
And she looks at me and says, "oh, you're a Japanese guy?"
I wish there was like, a little race track or something near here where I could just go fast and have fun The highway has rules and it's also just a straight stretch of road
>>928890 wow you got called a fucking weeb by a coworker
No, it wasn't even like that. Like, I said I wasn't and that my Zen lineage comes from Japan. And she started telling me that her husband is Asian. I don't know if he's Japanese or not though because she just gave me the general "Asian"
Which is all really weird.
>>928894 No, I don't think it was that either. I have no idea what she meant.
Unfortunately, I think it's just me. It's Crazy Train! Because people are like this no matter where I go. I don't know if I drive people mad or if people just feel so relaxed around me that they let themselves slip up and act weird or what. But people always act strangely around me.
>Japanese poi imagery on walls >watches anime full volumes in office >wears cat ears at all times >greets co-workers every morning with "ohaiiiiiyoooo~
You can't be shocked if they figure out you're a Japanese guy.
>wondering why am I having so much fun with medieval 2 compared to shogun 2, rome 2 or twhammer 2 >no units doing whatever they wish and if you issue an order they follow it >battles last 10-60 minutes >not 2-6 minutes >no random "oh this unit just died in 10 seconds flat" >routing, skirmishing and so on actually are a thing >units actually properly counter each other, ie spears doing badly against sword infantry and so on >shields are actually and OBJECT and not a stat ah I see because it is actually better than its successors
rome 2 with mods is fun, but it has the "stat line" problem ie. a shield formation with tons of armour just melting to arrows at some point, because their hit points ran out something that that kind of equipment and formation was invented to counter...
that is a fun game quite fun combat mechanic, what with being able to rewind time and setting up each character separately
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\Search [iqdb](97 KB, 1280x720, sex 2.jpeg)whoakun
bowser says the n word
>>928924 I was watching an Australian movie earlier today and there was a scene where three men are putting an adolescent cow into the trunk of a car on tththe side of the road. Is that a normal thing in Australia?
I have not seen that in the two years I have lived in a rural area. Neither have I seen it in the ten years of living in a urban area bordering on rural.
>>928930 You gotta head into the proper metropolis That's where the action is at
>>928930 I would pull up the scene for you but its not on YouTube. It's in the first tteten mminutes of The Cars That Ate Paris. Which I recommend, its Peter Weir's first feature film.
>>929021 that's my favourite meal when im out hiking
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i had a tuna sandwich from 7/11 today tuna and crackers woulda been sick
I like to mix in a bit of mayonnaise with the canned tuna and put it on toast It's a nice, light meal.
yeah i make tuna sandwiches with mayo but i usually put crackers inside something about the crunch i use potato chips if those are around just a few, enough to cover the surface, so like 5 or 6 chips/crackers is usually enough and then i also like to add peas to the tuna and mayo when i have them around
I don't know how old these orders of paper and ink that keep coming in are, but I wish they'd fucking stop The shop isn't moving paper nearly as fast as it's arriving and it's annoyingly filling up space