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With Yuki admitting he's kinda maternally imprinted on Tohru rather than crushing on her, he's kinda bowed out of the race for her heart. Which just leaves Kyo and Tohru sorting out their problems.
Not that that's any small accomplishment Kyo is reaaaally fucked up.
It was a very 00s-era high school anime episode. Episodes like that from stuff that aired or was serialized back then is kinda what made me fall in love with the cultural festival episodes of anime. It's like peak-wholesome dumb highschool antics.
Hah hah Detective Conan Man there's a whole lot of Conan here.
Uzaki and Conan don't even run in the same serialization so it's surprising to see so much cameo. I guess since it's literally what the airport is stuffed full of they can use it as background as much as they want.
Yeah, judging from what's happening it seems like he's got some way of extending the range her upgrade signal can reach. Or something I dunno. I'm sure they'll have a reason for it in an episode or two.
Yeah, this seems like it's in the final arc. 2-3 more episodes of drama and then a slice of life episode at the end probably
I wonder if they'll settle on one guy for the ending. It's based of a mobage otomege so you probably can't reach the story end without picking one of the boys. But maybe they'll tweak the plot a bit so they don't have to do that, since, y'know, it's never good to canonize a "true end" in a game adaptation like this.
>>871245 you mean i gotta alt tab and type "snafu crunchyroll" ugh that's so much work almost as much work as making this post
>>871241 Oh speaking of A Silent Voice. There's an anime next season which is an adaptation of the mangaka's current manga. It's a bit more of an esoteric story compared to A Silent Voice, but it's still pretty interesting.
>>870945 Fishing line is extremely dangerous to animals if not cleaned up properly. The worst is industrial boats that just trawl line behind as they sail through the water. Those kinds of ship almost never clean up their line if it detaches and then it sits in the water, tangling up and often killing underwater animals.
I think realistically that bird would never come around them again after getting grabbed but it's anime
thanks for anime
Well there are stories of birds being smart enough to understand they were "helped" by humans. Dunno if herons are intelligent enough birds to manage that kind of thinking though, it's more of a crow and other corvids kind of thing. There's a kind of precedence, at the least.
Being scared of the opposite sex is one of those weird things maybe it's more common in japan
I can't really blame this girl for thinking Machi was looking down on Yuki by saying he's not prince-like. And honestly Yuki doesn't do -doesn't make things much better. He always tries to act composed and polite, so of course people think he's being prince-like.
That's what I mean by you haven't accepted that stuff yet. You are actually working against developing a holistic sense of self. You can't accept these things. How are you going to figure out who you are if every time a piece of the puzzle is there, you just question whether it's a piece to the proper puzzle instead of just plugging it into the space it goes into? You can't finish a puzzle if you question every piece to the point that you never put it in with the other ones. You end up just indecisively staring at all these scattered pieces, unable to see what the picture is supposed to be.
If you believe something is part of your identity, and then later there comes a time where it isn't, that doesn't mean it was fake. It means your identity developed further. People grow and lose and gain parts of their identity every day, even in every moment. People are constantly changing, just like everything else. What's the point in questioning pieces so much? If you plug it in and it fits, accept that, and if later you find that it no longer fits, you accept that, too, and adjust things accordingly. Sometimes I feel masculine, sometimes I feel feminine, sometimes I feel neither, sometimes I feel both. My gender identity is different every day and is expressed differently every day. All of those expressions are part of me and none of them are fake. I am like a cloud, just taking whatever shape I take when I take it as I float along in the wind.
I guess yeah Sorry, I dozed off mid conversation again.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what's ND?
A typo Or neurodivergent, but in my use here it was a typo
Uzaki's lap pillow really doubles as a spot in the shade too. How convenient.
I really get this guy's vibe at times though. Left to my own devices I don't really do much, and I'm generally happy that way. And while i might grumble about having to get pulled along to things, I also usually enjoy it when I'm doing it anyway. So I appreciate the people that can pull me along to things.