Can we take a moment to appreciate how fucking perfect the design of the zaku is? It's so simple but it has so many little neat design elements that make it memorable and stick out, like the piping and the monoeye and the spikes.
OOC thread: >>6266 last thread:
109 replies omitted.Thomas O'Neil
"I would also like to see more of your art, sir. The one you have with you is quite fascinating."
"Yes, that's right. You should always see an artist's workspace before you invest in him."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"Y-yeah, a'course I knew that. I'm a paintisto after all. That's, err, no, STUPID!, it's y-y'know, German for painter." He's pretty tweaky. It's hard to tell if he's drugged out or just insane. "Let's go right now!" He reaches out to grab VV's hand to lead her to his home.
"That's okay, you don't need to touch me." She beckons to the others. "My assistants and I will follow you and inspect your workspace."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"Damn, you's gota assistants, too." He turns away and growls. "Follow me." He starts to walk out of the store, flashing dirty looks at VV's two assistants.
>>6736 Is this going to be like Tales of Xillia 2 where you make choices the whole game but in the end only about two of them matter aside from raising friendship without playing poker for 10 hours to buy a lot of love drugs?
Maybe but there are actually two or three possible routes here
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh fuck I remembered something completely unrelated to Cthulu but I'm going to mention it anyway.
There's a part in Xillia 2 where you literally kill your alternate dimension future self and MC is pretty upset about it And his good friend from the bill collection company calls you up and is like "so uh how's everything going" and your two options are like [ ] "Well" [ ] "I JUST KILLED MYSELF LEAVE ME ALONE"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
There's a similar decision earlier because that game's full of bad times and I picked the mean one and when bill-lady calls you up she's really sad instead of chipper and I thought it was because I picked the mean choice But no she's sad anyway That's dumb