Not synched.
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it's a thread and stuff
1041 replies omitted.
rip tier 20 we're at like 1100 post btw maybe a new thread when appropriate
2017/09/11 (月) 23:40 No. 270210
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>>270207 at this point you havet o denounce the alt-right and their ilk openly or you get flagged with them by the media not just by some cringe media like huffpost and shit but some big outlets and then you aren't just "person who speaks stuff we don' like him speaking" but a nazi enemy
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/11 (月) 23:42 No. 270212
>>270201 That's how the microwave oven was invented.
2017/09/11 (月) 23:42 No. 270213
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>>270212 yeah except a real fullpower dish doesn't cook it it goes BOOM
>>270209 I got you>>270211
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He activated a few flashback powerups. I guess he's going to make a go for it!
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So far protagonist-kun is getting served. I guess he will counterattack next episode.
next episode will be pretty exciting is this only 12 episodes?
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I guess next episode is the battle. Looks fun! thanks for anime!>>269235 As far as I know it is.
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Annime 91 Days Action Heroine Cheer Fruits Ballroom e Youkoso Boku no Hero Academia Re-Creators Shoukoku no Altair
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next episode's title is: sayonara, zetsubou senshi Very high quality reference.
I'm pretty sure the thing she said right before that too was supposed to be a reference too. But it wasn't one I got.
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Thanks for anime!
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144 replies omitted.
Yeah it was pretty interesting. The visuals were also really nice when they weren't being terrible animation.
is haruto even real if dreamers are women maybe the sister is the real one and haruto is a product of her dream
thanks for aniem
and i guess this is the first time the cat could see the sister so maybe he made progress
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>>267041 That could be the case.
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A thread
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man i wish i weren't sick i want to sing
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It would probably be nice not to have a fractured rib too.
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Yeah. That'd be nice too. Being sick is honestly worse for me, though. I know that seems a little unreasonable but being sick is making it hard to talk and sing and do what I like to do. Plus it's harder to breathe. I can deal with pain breathing more easily than discomfort. Passive pain is better than passive discomfort honestly.
>>267917 >>267917
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The gooey, stringy way natto is always makes me a little uneasy. Texture is an important quality of how I enjoy food and it just looks way too out of my range.
oh no he gave her his stinky elf cheese
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He turned the elves into weebs. thanks for anime!
he clearly stated the rice is western food in their world
Yup, thanks.
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Storms aint shit
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2017/09/09 (土) 02:50 No. 266677
>>266676 then tell me what was the "species is rom com manga"
FormerRei@mobile 2017/09/09 (土) 02:50 No. 266679
>>266677 Sundome Milkyway Or something like that
2017/09/09 (土) 02:51 No. 266680
>>266679 now hit yourself with a hammer also wrong thread
Samu ⚜️ !KW2DbpWwls
2017/09/09 (土) 04:43 No. 266900
5 hours later hello west coast this plane was so old school they had the setup with regularly spaced screens hanging down from the ceiling and just one choice of movie
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i'm in the wrong thread wow you confused me sam
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thread for lucinerds
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The hurricane is expected to be a category 2 or 3 when it reaches me now.
So pretty much another Florida Tuesday.
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You better hope the hurricane takes it easy on you.
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I knew it'd be fine! Like I said, I'll be safe.
>>265638 >>265638 lucina is for round 1 losses new thread
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105 replies omitted.
End of series drama
Obelisk Sandaru is best boy. Wonder how his English pronunciation got so polished.
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thanks for anime!