Hi hey hello Congratulations on making it through Monday
Beastars Back Arrow Horimiya Idoly Pride Episode 8-11 Jujutsu Kaisen Kai Byoui Ramune Episode 3-6 Log Horizon Episode 7-10 Show By Rock Episode 10-11 Tatoeba Last Dungeon Tenchi Souzou Design-bu Episode 7-11 Urasekai Picnic World Trigger Episode 9-10
I wonder if they'll be able to get another season of this greenlit I'm not too familiar with the manga's arc, so I don't know if it would need another season, or two, or possibly even three My best guess would be one or two. But even a full four seasons of anime is a lot for an adaptation that's not a super popular shounen series.
Looks like bugs are a creature in this world that don't have the sentience of the other animals That's probably convenient for the carnivores of the world Maybe that's where they get all their "ethical" protein we've been wondering where it comes from.
>Carnivores becomes stronger when they have something they can protect Well that's kind of the arc of Legosi's character But it's a bit weird that Louis would see it as a wholly good thing. He's always seemed put off by having to overly rely on carnivores
Oh there's the eyes again Bear's gonna be a tough fight
Hm, I dunno Maybe he would as a celebration if he beats Legosi But I think the bear has a awful sense of "honour" and wouldn't do something like that before a fight with Legosi, who wouldn't have the protein edge the bear would.
wait what was that gunshot I really wanna see the next episode for various reasons
The circumstances make it seem like either Louis or his lion bodyguard shot the other But maybe it's linked more to Legosi and the bear. Hard to know at this point.
I can see louis shooting the lion for some fucked up reason that makes sense to him
but hmm we'll have to see
jujutsu okay lets start
Yeah Either way the next episode will probably be the climax if not finale So we'll get a show one way or the other
Here's another show that's heading towards its finale Hopefully MAPPA can get back to it before too long and do another season I'm pretty sure there's enough material
In the meanwhile though, they're doing the adaptation for Chainsaw Man soon and I bet that will be a ride
She's sure got some confidence Barely even flinching at getting pulled in
Looks like he's working on mastering his domain too
Yeah, that's something Itadori hasn't even really started working with In the end Megumi does have experience over him being a sorcerer, and all Itadori has is the power well from being Sukuna's vessel and being stupidly physically strong So Gojou and Sukuna are probably right. Megumi's probably just as strong as Itadori if he doesn't always default to being a safe, risk-averse person
Oh they're step-siblings So they can get together with zero reprecussions Lucky guy
Hah hah They're nice enough to tell us he just fell asleep and isn't dead
Ah, ew
Poor Megumi Everyone around him just likes to fuck with him so much
The episodic recap for this show is starting to get pretty lengthy
This OP's been really good at evolving with the show There's a lot of characters in it that weren't in it at first, that were added as their reveals happened in the series.
I'm guessing if the princess actually fights and goes into a robot, it'll be her berserker mode that takes over while fighting Since it's sealed in the Bind Warper
These hick villagers are soooo
insufferable, augh They take every opportunity to complain and play the victim Not once trying to take their own agency into their own hands
Oh Shu is trying to set Arrow up as the next ruler of the world
I doubt it's gone completely And I think that's what the fat man is banking on, it becoming a problem again down the line For the time being it's somehow sealed in her Bind Warper, which is why I think if she actually fights in this war, and activates her robot, her berserker personality will come out again
I guess this is where the Bind Warper Shu swiped comes in Is he gonna fight his old friend himself
Yeah Arrow's got the right idea I don't like how these Rekka people are all "If you're not literally standing in front of me letting me beat the shit out of you, you're not fighting fair" It's such a selfish insistence of self-righteousness.
last dungeon! things were getting intense okay lets start
Yeah we're heading towards the finale here
Well hopefully he can take a cannon shot landing without much injury He's tough, but a cannon shot is definitely a bit more intense than most landings
She's pretty genre-savvy that Lloyd has been winning them all their serious fights so far And despite their big talk, he's still probably going to crash the fight and save the day
The Kunlun people are kind of right though Most people are in no way on their level
Oh that arm came off easier than I was expecting Not that it mattered, but still
Oh she got her belt back she's very strong in her own way
The current arc this series is on kinda feels like no matter what, the bad guys win though Or at least accomplish their desires. As long as Lloyd wants to be the hero, the priest guy is basically getting what he wants. Which isn't exactly a bad thing, since all the old guy wants is to be able to die. Maybe it's just not the kind of story that really has a terminal situation that needs to be avoided though
Man this is a series I really want more of I could probably watch a series of these kinds of paranatural adventures indefinitely There's so much rich urban myth and Internet rumours out there that I'd love to see them explore
Yeah Even if it seems Sorawo didn't really care about it at first Some times you don't know doing a good deed will make you feel good until you do it
Telling them to cut some grass and smoke it sure sounds different when phrased in English But maybe similar terms are used in Japanese anyway.
The vehicle they picked up doesn't exactly feel ideal for traversing the Otherside I feel an ATV or something along those lines would've been a better option But it waaaas a drunk purchase, so it's understandable.
>It's strange. It feels like we go way back With the hints that Sorawo has a link in some way to the Satsuki lady Toriko is looking for, I wouldn't be surprised if they do
This was a good series one of the better ones this season
I could just watch more and more of it happily Too bad I get the feeling it was probably just a one-off season Definitely something I want to consider picking up the source material for
Looks like volume one and two of the novels are out in English, with the next two coming as an omnibus in August But there's already six out in Japanese Man maybe if I can get my Kanji polished up enough, I could try reading the Japanese novels Though I suspect they'd probably be at least at late-teen-level reading comprehension And I'm probably at like a fifth-grader at best