I think with Boogiepop the original adaptation from years back was a sort of highly interpreted adaptation of the concept and wasn't really tied all too tightly to the original material. Where the adaptation from this year was faithful to the original light novels. Not that it makes things make any more sense, hah hah, but it's good to keep it in perspective. I think it probably makes sense if you read the original material or if we ever get another adaptation produced. I hope we do I had a lot of fun watching that series.
idk it was awesome where'd rika go ok bye rika ok bye tilde bye bye everyone see you next year
Probably dozed off that last show is comfy but also kind of uneventful and pretty easy to drift off to. See you later Jan take it easy.
>>782260 jk tha shit aint hit me jah but soon maybe ok maybe put me down i be wild
straightup cant wait for this shitta kill me tho
Marsh shitposting on the go via TelephoneExpand1 reply omitted.Anno
I imagine making a complex but balanced game is hard.
Yeah, it's one of the advantages modern video games have over these physical games. You can always tinker with the details and change things in patches. These physical games have to be playtested to near-perfection before they can be manufactured and released.
I guess next episode Miki's gonna decide she wants to be a DIIZAIN'NA too.
I guess board games deal with it by tinkering slowly over time, and with house rules.