The mentality of only doing what gets you ahead in life must be really soul-crushing. It's important to do what brings you joy and satisfaction even if there isn't a calculated benefit to doing so.
Neat to see someone that can kind of put up with Mile's overwhelming POWER by just being extremely skilled. Though if only for a while. The author for this series is smart enough to distinguish that raw POWER and actually being skilled are two entirely different skillsets.
I guess Mavis' whole family is quite overbearing on her.
Interesting that protagonist-chan actually seemed to have a bit of trouble
Well it's like what I said above. She's got the stats to be strong but doesn't have the practice for finesse or skill. So this guy who's been a dedicated fighter his whole life does have a bit of an edge in that department.
Kind of like a raw muscle untrained street fighter and a seasoned, practiced follower of a school of martial arts.
Though of course in the end her sheer POWER was still more than enough.
To my surprise tonight's the store meeting for the holiday period. I've never seen so many employees in this store before. Some of them I've -never- seen before.
It's a pretty cozy experience so far and hey I'm getting paid for it.
Well that was a very satisfying episode. I'd been waiting for a confrontation like that all series long with how Main has been acting. And the confrontation ended up being a very good pay-off.
I really like the writing in this series. It's tight and sets up big moments and reveals with good forethought and hints.