Can anyone recommend me visually impressive anime to watch while tripping acid? I've seen most of Studio 4C's works but I feel as though there is a whole smorgasbord of material out ther eI have yet to touch.
2 replies omitted.Anno
don't watch anime just watch HobbesSakuga MADs
ive seen everything listed so far but these are all great recs
>>587317 I love her, she's so cute! But I don't think she's the type to really be popular with men in the first place. She probably wouldn't want to date anyone.
>>587318 She's only compatible with Asuma or the Ingram anyway I think she and Asuma would make a really great couple and they should have gotten together
new game was really good too maybe it can take second place
Dogakobo's just really good at making solidly cute shows.
>>587305 Yuru Yuri will always be the best Dogakobo show, but Mikakunin was pretty great. I found that New Game was medicore and mostly carried by the source material more than anything. But the maid show and Anima Yell feel like the old Dogakobo so I'm pretty excited.