I mean it's not like it's a surprise to anyone. Big rituals like these to ancient gigantic creatures and sacrifices are pretty much two things that go hand in hand.
>>532643 i was thinkin about writing a program that probes for keywords in live news feeds, takes some excerpts or rewrites of the news article and puts it to text-to-speech with randomly grabbed license-free images applying to those keywords and generates youtube videos for the news feed and producing like hundreds of them a day really generic, pointless news in the most bland format possible
>>532646 id love to see a neural network that learns to write based on those stupid fake inspirational stories that poor indians get paid to write for facebook
>>532654 you'll love this http://sebpearce.com/bullshit/
Really though, if the process that makes the dragons go crazy and try to eat their pilots is because the pilot and the dragon hold irreconcilable feelings. Couldn't Hisone and Masotan just bond over a mutual love of the boy.
Also sounds like the serious pilot girl and the guy that smashed her heart are gonna have another showdown next episode.
>>529764 well he seems like kind of a jerk so far i wanna know what his real motives are though
Yeah I think so too.
I think he's just prioritizing getting this ritual over with successfully regardless of the emotional damage he'll incur upon people. It's not like a serious villain role but it's still subtle and kind of hard-hearted.
>>529766 maybe he loved the miko from the last ritual that died and he's learned that love is a shit
Eh, sure I'm not sure how old he is, but if the previous ritual was like seventy years ago, he'd have to be around eighty at the least to be romantically aware of her during her ritual. Granted the old lady pilot must be somewhere around ninety and doesn't look it either, so maybe their ages aren't gauged easily by their appearance.