The goal is to price people out. There's a limit to how much you can increase rent per year. But if someone can't afford the new rent and leaves because of it, they then have an empty property and can set the new price wherever they want. It also means they'll have empty properties every year because of the prices, and they can claim those empty properties for tax breaks and things like that.
oh cause they can't just yeet you outright easily?
also i hope some of the others do get sailor uniforms the ED makes me think it will happen
Her face also kind of potato's from time to time too
The ED could also be something like memories of her mom's time at the school though Back when the sailor uniform was the standard uniform there Since the girls in it seem to all be random schoolgirls and not Akebi or any of her classmates
wow that episode went by quickly that was a good ep
Y'know if you think about it, Nishikata is a pretty good catch There's a bit of childish immaturity there, but he is in middle school, so I feel he gets some leeway there But he keeps fit, he's pretty considerate, and he 's more or less a fair loser, going along with what Takagi wins when she beats him in a game