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Yuu   Expand Last 100
242 replies omitted.
Maybe that's the solution to social decency amongst strangers.
Making alcohol available in even small-scale convenience stores.

But your time restrictions on buying alcohol are still abhorrently stupid don't get me wrong.
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Sharing alcohol amongst strangers uninhibited is a way to invite danger and unnecessary drama, too.
I have issues with drunken people pretty much every day I work second or third shift.
Really, it depends on the person you're dealing with. Generally the people that shop at my store are honest, hardworking, but financially disadvantaged.
I've even seen a guy get arrested right in front of me for robbing a local's apartment.
Tonight I actually got to see that guy for the first time since he got arrested. I guess he's on parole now. He's a decent person aside from being an accomplice in some delinquent's robbery.
That delinquent's father actually visits our store pretty much every day. After they got arrested, he just talked shit about his son pretty much every time he showed up, haha.
The person who was robbed visited as well, but she seems to have recovered mostly from the robbery, after notifying the various businesses they returned her stuff at.

Also the alcohol laws here are quite archaic, I know.
Until 2015, you could not even sell liquor in my city AT ALL.
The bars have since expanded their menus incredibly, of course, and various locally owned liquor stores have popped up with excessive success.
People are gonna get it one way or another and it has massive demand unlike many other highly licensed or illicit products.

It's just really weird how alien your life is to mine.
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That's what you think but I have met people who act like it is the end of the world they can't buy their booze or cigs at the local 7-11
Just today in fact I heard someone open the door to the beer and I said "Time's up!" and they responded with a "B-BUT I ALREADY HAD IT WHEN YOU SAID THAT"

Alien how?
Partly due to the aspects of lower income environments. Like, I've never really experienced interpersonal relationships with people from that social class so it's a life I just don't really "get". I can sympathise but I've always been an observer looking in.
And then there's the more inane details like the alcohol cutoff which is just funny and unreasonable to me. Here if a store is open and sells alcohol, you can buy alcohol. It's as cut and simple as that.
People like to rag on our two countries for being super similar in culture but personally, I've found there to be pretty clear divides.
But this has kinda gone a bit all over the place 'cause I'm getting tired.

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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU   Expand Last 100
cthulhu ic thread

ooc >>77388
last thread >>70222
124 replies omitted.
"It's strange to me that they would keep bo
no records. America truly is a savage place."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"Two guys came through askin' about it the other day. Don't know where they'd be now. They ain't been found drained or nothing, at least."
Felicity Davis
"I see," I say, nodding to myself. Looking towards the other two, I ask "you two finished here?"
Thomas O'Neil
"You had it pretty covered, so yeah I'm done. We could drop by to see that Bloody Mary person in the hopes of learning more about where Archie went, but at least we know they definitely passed through here."
"There's nothing to research here, they don't keep any notes..."

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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU   Expand Last 100
cthulhu ooc thread
260 replies omitted.
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I have no fighting skills!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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one of these bosses is pretty big
going to be hard to cheese

it's going to be really fun for me
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>no books to read
>lots of enemies to have to fight
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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not lots of enemies
unless you make a bunch of enemies

there are ways to beat the bosses without fighting them too

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八十八   Expand
I'm making an advice thread here to ask people for some help on some concerns, but it's not necessarily centrally focused around me. I just wanted to talk about more RL things without being disruptive to the flow of the other thread.
There's a lot of work stress i'm trying to cope with, and financial management that's just a bit overwhelming.
It feels more appropriate for me to phrase concerns in the first post rather than on the OP so I'll do that in a bit once i formulate it.
32 replies omitted.
something's going to revolve, i guarantee that motherfucker
I hope it's the revolving door of success
i dont want to do this anymore
>listening to stream between Sargon and Destiny
>destiny saying he's big into capitalism and he really loves it
This is the man who asked "what's wrong with communism?"
Life comes at you fast
how do i save and make money when im on a salary and have payments

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「It's a thre」

Anno   Expand Last 100
I ain't gotta explain shit
960 replies omitted.
because then you undermine support for Bernie people next election
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
shucks it sure would be awful if we had a chance to win
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I should go get food
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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suddenly 40 notifications
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU

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Yuu   Expand Last 100
120 replies omitted.
I think adapting to society while carving out your own niche to be personal and eccentric in is a fairly global idea.
At least within the modernized world.
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i just want to make enough money that i can feel safe

and then i want to do dangerous things but in a way that i control the danger
>Emperor of Demise
The PV makes me think it's one thing but the next episode's title makes me think it's another.
I don't know who's going to show up! How exciting!
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Next ep looks like it will have about 2 minutes of drama.
It might have a proper fight scene in it.
Which means more KyoAni sakuga.

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「secret robot thread」

Maria   Expand
Hello this is my secret robot thread
Please admire these robots
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I think Rau is the best character in SEED because he doesn't give a fuck
His desire to murder everyone reflects the audience
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU   Expand Last 100
it's early but i felt like making a new thread anyway
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Guess I gotta get ready
I have to go to the shop and get some stuff

Though I'm not 100% sure what I'm getting
My buds ran out of power somehow, so I gotta charge them first

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Yuu   Expand
22 replies omitted.
that was fu n
wonder if itll get more eventually

thanks for anime
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Oh, I guess that is about the last episode isn't it.
Strange for it to end on them getting murdered.

Is that all the anime for you, Ika?
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thanks for anime you two!

ika we'll save everything so be prepared to work hard tomorrow.
hai hai

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Yuu   Expand Last 100
This thread is dedicated to the me!
547 replies omitted.
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I don't know, I don't follow countryball inside jokes to know every hidden clue from every artist that dabbles in them
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
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pretty sure i just aced that interview
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Lycka till
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breadcheese delish
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU