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As everyone knows I love Elaina so I'm going to put some short summaries on all the chapters that didn't get into the anime. If anyone wants more info on any that seem interesting I've got longer summaries but posting them here would get messy!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Book 1: Chapter 3: Buff man got buff to save his sister who he forgot. Chapter 4: Elaina finds out the city's money is fake so she scams everyone, conveniently ends up stopping a conspiracy. Chapter 5: Two magicians show Elaina their magic then ask for payment. Muscle-kun takes them away to make them buff. Chapter 7: Lord and Lady of a country are petty and can't agree and ask Elaina to be a neutral party. Elaina says no and leaves. Chapter 8: Tortoise and the hare with people fighting over a girl. They're all terrible but muscle-kun shows up and oh the girl is his sister hurray. Chapter 10: Elaina gets mistaken for a cute girl (weird huh) and dressed up as her to satisfy a dying boyfriend. However, he's the one who made his girl leave so she could be happy and is fully expectant of the town to kill him after this. Chapter 11: Elaina finds a city of ugly people whose queen has reversed the ideas of ugly and beauty. Would be interesting if they weren't all absolutely horrid people though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Book 2: Book 2: Chapter 1: People aren't people unless they can use magic. Elaina thinks all these mages are dickheads (they are). Chapter 2: Elaina scams all the men of two cities by giving them weapons that turn into kitchenware. Their wives are paying her for this. Chapter 3: Elaina finds a princess running from her betrothed marriage because she's gay for her knight. Her knight and her are gay and so the prince goes home and they go home and everyone in both cities turns gay and this isn't even a joke. Chapter 4: Elaina is interrogated about a clown. Chapter 5: Elaina finds a city dominated by the latest fashion trend. On her way out, everyone is wearing her clothes. Chapter 6: Elaina is paid to make a goat girl leave her city full of people who persecute her. Psyche, she's actually just mentally broken and making everyone feel guilty. This has a happy ending though. (Btw I like this chapter) Chapter 7: Elaina helps a gambler find his inheritance. Jokes on him, his gambler dad left him all his debts. Chapter 9: Elaina stops terrorism. Chapter 11: Elaina hangs out with cops who hunt slackers until there are no more cops. Chapter 12: Elaina of the Dead Featuring Anna from the Fire Emblem Series. Chapter 13: Monster hunter friends kill too many giant foxes to save their hometown. Now there is no hometown (thanks migratory predators). Chapter 14: Elaina pets a cat and goes to jail.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Book 3: Chapter 1: Elaina accidentally invents the first abuse cafe. (Surprisingly, she's not working it) Chapter 2: People listen to a prophet too much. Demon says “it's free real estate” into the camera. Chapter 3: A city posts fake yelp reviews in their newspapers and Elaina gets heckin' steamed when they use her name. Chapter 5: Elaina makes a potion that lets inanimate objects talk and Fran sells it. Unfortunately for Fran, the bottle tells Elaina about how she ate all the bread. Chapter 6: Elaina turns into a loli to smuggle a princess. Chapter 7: Nike ghosts Fran while Elaina now turns objects into people instead of just speaking. Unfortunately for Elaina, her wand is horny. (Fran steps in thank god) Chapter 8: A man and a mop love each other very much as the war from ten years ago finally comes to an end. Chapter 9: Elaina is captured by angry tossed aside objects that took over a town. Her broom turned person is her only hope. Also there's a mecha. Chapter 10: Naked chihuahuaman robs people and then pays Elaina.
I guess in the end they didn't even hint that they boned on camera. I'm like 90% certain that was at least hinted at in the manga before the takoyaki party chapter. But maybe I'm wrong. I guess they had to be even more conservative with what they show in the anime. Even though they're both over eighteen!
Yeah, I imagine so. This doesn't feel like the kind of series that would hit us with a downer of a last episode. Even if it might not be the big climax you expect out of a romance drama. Not that it's really been dramatic. Kinda closer to a romance SoL
It's a pretty OP monster in of itself though Regeneration for its tentacles and being smart enough to try to escape the enclosure. Definitely the hardest fight she's had, even with the handicap she has of not actually having to fight it directly.
I didn't actually know there were divisive differences between regional okonomiyaki types Though it shouldn't be surprising I guess. For such a small country Japan was really good at establishing clear cultural divisions between its various regions.
I was thinking "oh, saving their program from getting cancelled would make a good final episode" But we're only on episode ten! There'll still be at least one episode after next week's.
I suppose that's 215 a night and the /// no wait that's just for an adult, you'd be also paying for additional people while normally you're just paying for the room
sometimes i feel like a ghost but haunted more than haunting i feel myself wandering in search of old friends on old roads but in ethereality, incapable of finding more than memory