>>606734 yeah i do i still watch it sometimes because it reminds me of you and some good times i don't get that kind of connection in my life anymore and it makes me feel a bit inhuman
i showed it to the imouto a week or so ago and she thought it was awesome and was trying to find that anime from the scene you really liked with the girls hair unraveling as she marches
I'm not sure it really was beforeI tried coke though my personal memories are jumbled together
remember this? >>>/watch?v=gSkocU5YsHU shit made me cry for real the first time >>609446 do you have your medicine? I'm trying to help and reach you but i don't really understand anxiety well, even after living with family and knowing plenty who suffer with it all i can really do is what you ask of me to my best capacity and I'm useless unless you can tell me what you need
I wonder if dyslexia even manifests itself in a way like that for those who are raised on pictograph characters like those. I've read in the past that it can have a considerable effect on all manner of brain functions, but I've never seen anything about dyslexia.
>>605947 it seems like the hieroglyphs are easier typically for dyslexics but the same kind of mirroring or reversing characters in hiragana and katakana this blog post has some interesting information https://blog.dyslexia.com/teaching-japanese-to-dyslexic-students/
I've seen in the past that a component of type that makes it hard for dyslexic people is the uniformity of the circular and linear parts of the character. So much of the roman alphabet is contained within the same standardizaed components. Maybe the diversity in lines and strokes of pictograph languages helps shake up that uniformity.
I have a few green shirts and a pair of green-ish pants. I like the colour green a lot. I'd never wear that together unless I was totally out of other combinations though, hah hah.
i have black, blue, beige, and brown and white and gray clothing in terms of outer layer and pants my shirts are quite rainbow colour though I don't have anything pink
I think you need to put more than your mind to it. Your teeth and stomach, I'd imagine.
yeah you need to put your teeth to it
Only twelve episodes of backlog left~. Well, including like six plus one episodes worth of SAO if we're still considering starting that. And the Cooking with Emiya specials but those are easy to slip in places.
... And the weekend's coming up so there's going to be a huge dump of new shows anyway. But some progress at least!